本篇論文主要討論KERR_SEN黑洞的能量計算,除此之外並第一次計算其角動量,這在其他論文中並未有過。使用超弦理論開始建構此黑洞四維空間的度規,主要探討用這個公式所計算出來的結果物理意義,也推導這個黑洞的度規來源和相對應的轉換,以求得在愛因斯坦度規下的弦論表示式的來源。仔細比較過兩種準局域能量計算方式,決定採用陳江梅所發展的準局域能量公式,由漢彌噸斜變表示開始,尋求BOUNDARY_TERM在小區域和近平坦空間下的契合,因為這個公式最後符合斜變,辛結構要求,然後採用兩個座標系統,分別是hypersurface 和 Boyer-Lindquist 座標系,分別計算能量與角動量。與以前結果Bose & Naing所作工作比較,相當合理,並在我們預期內。 We explore the Kerr-Sen spacetime black holes. Calculating it's energy and, for the first time, its angular momentum. We used superstring theory technique to construct the spacetime metric. We investgated two different quasilocal expressions and their features. We used C.M.Chen's quasilocal expression for it is a covariant expression. After that we used two different coframes to calculate the quasilocal energy and angular momentum and compared with the previous result of Bose and Naing . This comparison showed that we have a reasonable result.