現今的版本控制系統及相關工具,因為所儲存的資訊缺乏對程式原始碼的理解,而導致軟體開發人員在對版本紀錄進行查詢時,難以得到他們實際所關心的資訊。例如開發者想要針對一個在許久以前能運作正常,卻在近期的測試中發生錯誤的方法(method)進行追蹤。為了找出造成錯誤的更動,由於目前版本控制系統只能找到關於檔案層級的變動紀錄,會有大量與目標無關的變動被顯示出來,而難以從中找出真正與該方法有關係的變動紀錄。 本論文針對現有版本控制系統的不足,提出一個輔助追蹤版本歷史紀錄之工具iNob。本工具能以高效的方式對程式原始碼進行簡易的分析,以讓軟體開發者以方法為單位,查找其於版本控制系統(Version Control System)中的變更紀錄。使用者可以透過簡單而直觀的操作,得到出他們所關注的變更紀錄。透過這樣的輔助,能幫助開發者更加有效地除錯以及瞭解程式碼變更歷程,從而提高開發效率並降低程式維護成本。本工具同時也有著高度的擴充性,能夠藉由簡單的方式更換部分元件,以支援不同的程式語言。 ;Version Control Systems(VCS) and related tools nowadays have an obvious problem: all data are saved as pure text format. The information of a program such as structure and elements is ignored from these tools. When developers try to trace history of a program, they can only get textual information from VCS. In many practical cases, it’s hard to find the information that developers really care about, changes of a method for example. In this research, we propose iNob, a VCS assistant tool for this problem. iNob can search and analyze source code stored in VCS effectively. With the assistance of iNob, developers can search the change history of a method in VCS. Using iNob, developers can focus on code change history of a program element, such as method or others, making developing and debugging more efficient. iNob also has good extendibility: users can extend iNob to support different programming languages in a very efficient way without introducing heavy techniques such as programming language parsers.