行動裝置以及其多媒體下載量市占率日益趨增,讓裝置在播放視訊串流時能更順暢顯得越來越重要,而這需要一套完善機制動態處理這些資料,在大部分的環境下,基於安全和頻寬的因素考量,大多數使用者不能更改被MIS設定好的網路設定,為了營造一個無論在什麼樣的環境下都能自由使用的方案,利用開源碼建置一套基於HTTP之播放系統,進一步嘗試簡化使用者的操作模式,實現無需插件下之播放系統。 系統中包含了各種不同的開源軟體,ffmpeg 負責接收串流與多媒體處理,x264 與 AAC 負責編碼,MP4Box 產出多媒體描述檔 (MPD) 與多媒體切片,同時 MPD 中包含了多碼率視頻切換的描述資訊,Nginx 作為與使用者溝通的平台,再加上系統設定檔的概念,讓頻道能隨時新增、移除,透過這一連串的動作整合,得以完成整個系統的運作。讓使用者只要打開網頁,便能不受時間、地點限制,選擇欲觀賞的視訊頻道。 ;Both of the market share of mobile device and media content download by mobile device become higher than other devices. It is more and more important for keeping media stream playing smoothly which requires a mechanism to dynamically deal with the content. At most of environment, users can not change the setting of their networks due to security and bandwidth reasons. Therefore, this thesis tries to utilize the open sources to establish a lite system and takes the HTTP as transmission medium, which can be accessed by users in any kind of environments. This system aims to simplify the user control and make users survey media without any plug-in software. The system includes numerous open sources. The ffmpeg is responsible for receiving stream, the x264 and AAC are responsible for coding the media, the MP4Box generates the media presentation description (MPD) and splits the media. The MPD carries the description of multiple rates, which assists user to download content according to bandwidth requirement. Nginx is used as platform for communicating with users. This system incorporates several software and utilizes the concept of configurations to create and remove channels dynamically. Users can choose and view channels what they are interested via web browsers.