在這科技日新月異的時代,電腦與人之間已經不再是只有滑鼠鍵 盤與電腦螢幕的關係了,隨著人機互動的發達,各式各樣的感應器、 視訊鏡頭、甚至能提供虛擬實境的頭戴式顯示器等等,都更加的讓我 們能體驗到電腦資訊的進步。微軟的深度攝影機Kinect 便在一開始與 Xbox 結合,提供了全然不同的遊戲體驗方式。多了深度資訊,除了 內建的人體骨架追蹤外,我們也能藉此利用在3D 呈像上,著實的為 工程師們增加了開發各式各樣的應用程式的機會與可能。在Kinect 提 供的人體骨架追蹤上,利用這些關節的資訊,我們實現了開發虛擬樂 器的可能,然而,如打擊樂器中,常會利用手指的關節控制鼓棒來擊 打樂器,但骨架追蹤並無法分辨出細至手指的程度,如此便不能達到 如真實樂器般的表演感受。故我們便使用了IMUduino 加速度感應器 黏置於鼓棒上提供即時快速的位置及加速度。藉由利用人體骨架的位 置來定位擊打位置,以及加速度感應器的加速度以及角速度感測器的 即時回饋,我們利用此些特性便能簡易的製作出各種打擊樂器,藉由 改變音源庫的音色以及各擊打位置,便能隨意地轉換演奏樂器。;People play music for enjoying lives. However, there are always some obstacle like the fund issue, space limitation or troubles carrying the instruments around. Human-Computer Interaction has been developed rapidly these years. Keyboards and mouse from the very beginning evolve to all kinds of sensor and cameras. Music instruments made by technology has no longer a fantasy in this decade. This kind of thoughts first came out from gaming product like Wii and XBox. But their purposes are mostly for fun, not for replace the real instruments. Bypass the RGB camera which occurs occlusion, infrared cameras have more abilities and capability recognizing users. Kinect , produced by Microsoft, contains a RGB camera and a infrared camera along with their own SDK which can track human skeleton and faces. For developer, it is more convenient of having the position of body parts to fulfill the program. To fully achieve our project, we adopt Kinect 2 as our devices to track skeletons and IMUduino , a smallest and lightest Arduino Leonardo board with motion sensors, to detect a trigger point. With IMUduino on the drumsticks, we can solve the low speed of human joints and the motion blur caused by high-speed hitting. Moreover, user interface are filled with 3D object and user’s body which formed by pointcloud to simulate the real playing environment.