目前,在地球科學、地理、天文等領域的研究或應用中,需要分析處理空間中的物件,而物件的位置通常是在球面上以赤經及赤緯來記錄。為了使儲存及管理這些物件更有效率,需設計出一套良好的球面空間索引系統。隨著科技的進步以及資料長久的累積,各個領域需要分析的資料量越來越多,導致在傳統單機應用的環境下,硬體無法負擔。 因此,本論文建構了分散式球面空間索引系統,以多層次三角網格(HTM)為模型,運用Hadoop的MapReduce運算框架,設計出相應的資料結構及分散式演算法。不但能儲存及管理大量球面空間物件,還能提供分散式應用程式快速索引與查詢的功能。 本論文之分散式球面空間索引系統,是使用泛星巡天計劃Desktop Virtual Observatory (DVO) 資料集,而經由實驗將系統中各項參數對效率的響影做比較,供使用者參考,可以針對不同的系統環境及不同的應用需求進行調整,達到系統的最佳效率。 ;Recently, research or applications in earth science, geography, astronomy, those need analyzing and processing spatial objects which position is usually recorded by right ascension (ra) and declination (dec) on sphere. In order to store and manage those objects efficiently, we need to design a well sphere spatial index system. With the progress of technology and long-term accumulation of data, there are more and more data need to analyze in each field, this result cause that hardware can’t afford data in traditional single machine application environment. Therefore, this paper construct distributed sphere spatial index system which is modeling by Hierarchical Triangular Mesh (HTM) using Hadoop MapReduce computing framework to design reference data structure and algorithm. Not only can it store and manage lots of sphere spatial objects, but offer distributed applications indexing efficiently and searching function. Distributed sphere spatial index system in this paper, using Desktop Virtual Observatory (DVO) data in Pan-STARRS Project. Through experiments, we compare influence of efficiency by each parameters in this system, and that results can be referenced by users. They can modify parameters according to different system environments and different applications, and distributed sphere spatial index system can achieve its’ best efficiency.