戲劇被長時間公認是十分具有影響力的教學工具,許多教師會透過戲劇的方式讓學生在情境中學習,為輔助師生在教室內有效率地進行戲劇教學活動,數位鏡室學習劇場協助師生快速在教室內進行數位的戲劇活動,在數位劇場的舞台中,學生可藉由扮演課文中的角色來體驗教科書中的數位情境。 本研究延續數位鏡室學習劇場建立數位互動式學習劇場,運用Kinect的體感技術創造出在數位劇場內的互動模式與虛擬道具,表演者在戲劇演出的同時能進行互動體驗,此外,劇場具備數位的動態情境,藉由互動模式與動態情境的搭配,讓學生每次在進行數位戲劇演出時充滿新鮮感。 實際應用於國小六年級的英語課程一年後,研究結果顯示,相較於數位鏡室學習劇場,學生對於數位互動式學習劇場的喜愛程度較高,也覺得互動模式讓表演時更有樂趣且對學習有幫助,教師也認為,互動模式與虛擬道具能增加學生的樂趣,同時對學生產生激勵的效果。 ;Drama is recognized as an influential instructional tool for a long time. Many teachers make use of educational drama for situated learning. In order to support educational drama activities in the classroom efficiently, Digital Self-Observable Learning Theater assists teachers and students to achieve digital educational drama activities in the classroom. By role-playing in the digital theater stage, students can perform with different digital scenes of the textbook. In this research, we construct the system “Digital Interactive Learning Theater” in the classroom. With several interactive modes, virtual props and digital dynamic scenes, performers can manipulate these novelty things and feel realistically during digital educational drama activities. Digital Interactive Learning Theater is applied on English as a Second Language course in sixth grade students of a local primary school one year. Compared to Digital Self-Observable Learning Theater, students have more enthusiasm for Digital Interactive Learning Theater. Students think that these interactive modes and virtual props make educational drama activities more interesting and helpful for their English learning. The teacher consider that students find pleasure in interactive modes and virtual props. Moreover, these students are also inspired simultaneously by Digital Interactive Learning Theater.