對於依賴輪椅行動的人,如廁是相當困難不便的部分,雖然現行的 無障礙空間愈來愈完善,但是如廁仍需要他人協助。然而這方面的研 究相當少,雖然有些論文對輪椅進行改造讓使用者方便上廁所,但是 其輪椅需要移至馬桶左邊或右邊才能使用,所以不適合在小空間廁所。 本論文提出一個自動輪椅系統,此系統可以將輪椅自動導航到廁所並 卡進馬桶,經過我們的實作,我們利用Arduino 控制板與一些感測器 確實能成功地導航。;There are many disabled person live alone. The most difficult for them is go to the bathroom. Although there many accessible bathroom, they still spend many time to go to the bathroom. The research about disabled person to go to the bathroom is quite few. Although some thesis design a new wheelchair help disabled persons to go to the bathroom but still have limit. So we design an automatic wheelchair system. We can navigate wheelchair to the toilet.In our experiment, we can use arduino and some sensors to navigate the wheelchair to the toilet.