「子由數學e學堂」為針對國小數學所設計的師生互動式學習平臺,老師可透過此平臺的出題系統來協助學生學習數學。本論文之主旨在於革新e學堂之程式框架,解決舊有程式碼因缺乏整體考量的類別邏輯規範,導致程式碼散落四處難以維護,新功能的增加不易,同時也有效能不佳等問題。 本論文透過現代化網頁框架,以系統模組化的MVC模式來重新建構e學堂之出題系統,使得程式碼在各類別功能方面有一致性,在更新維護上有共通規範可循,並且重新設計數位題目的儲存方式,以正規化資料庫表單為基礎,搭配試卷管理系統做數位題目的存取,同時解決了資料重複儲存以及程式效能不佳等問題,以求追上網頁開發新技術,使將來e學堂的開發與維護能與新技術接軌。 ;Ziyou Emathschool is a website emphasizing on learning elementary mathematics via teacher-student interaction. Teachers can use the automatic problem generator inside the platform to assist students to learn mathematics. The purpose of this thesis is to redesign the website framework of Ziyou Emathschool in order to provide an easy way to maintain codes, to add new features, and to avoid inefficiency from the outdated framework design. In the study, we adopt a modern webpage framework implementation and use MVC of system modules to redesign the mathematical problem fetcher system so that programs in the webiste will have similar interfaces in terms of functions. This new approach will facilitate code maintenance in the future. In addition, we also implement a new data storage method to store thousands of digitalized mathematics problems. By using the normalized database sheet, we can access the digitalize problems from the mathematics problem sheet management system to resolve the issues of redundant data storage and inefficient data access. Using the modern webpage technology, the development and the maintenance of Ziyou Emathshool in the future will be smooth and easy.