我們利用同步輻射的SEYA光束線,測量NO(20 mTorr)在波長160 ~ 230 nm的吸收及螢光激發光譜。利用兩支光電倍增管(R1460及R636),分別取螢光範圍在紫外光區(175 ~ 320 nm)以及可見光、紅外區(300 ~ 910 nm)的螢光激發光譜。 分析NO在波長160 ~ 230 nm的吸收情形,同時與螢光激發光譜比較。當NO的壓力為20 mTorr時,有紫外螢光的能態:A 2Σ+ (υ’ = 0 ~ 7),B 2П (υ’ = 5 ~ 8),B' 2∆ (υ’ = 0 ~ 2),C 2П (υ’ = 0),D 2Σ+ (υ’ = 0 ~ 4),E 2Σ+ (υ’ = 0),F 2∆(υ’ = 0);而預解離的能態有:B 2П (υ’≧9),C 2П (υ’≧1),我們也探討關於NO A(0)的消光率及預解離能態的共振轉換(Energy Transfer)以及碰撞誘發躍遷效應(Collision-Induced Transition),導致螢光增強情形。另外我們發現在激發波長為a(7)及B(0)處,經由N2及He的碰撞產生了螢光。 Production of the fluorescence from the excited states A2Σ+ (υ’ = 0 - 7), B2Π (υ’ = 5 - 8), B’ 2∆ (υ’ = 0 - 2), D 2Σ+ (υ’ = 0 - 4), E 2Σ+ (υ’ = 0) and F2∆ (υ’ = 0) of NO in 160 - 230 nm wavelength region were investigated by using the VUV synchrotron radiation at SRRC as the excitation light source. The fluorescence in the VUV to infrared wavelengths was measured by using a combination of filters and photomultiplier tubes. Quenching rates were measured for gases He, Ar, N2, NO, O2, SF6, CO2 and CF4. Some bands above the dissociation level was observe to emit at the increased buffer gases pressure conditions. These included bands of B(υ’=9), C(υ’=1) among others. Collision related processes were employed to explain these data. Particularly we also find the emission from a(7) and B(0).