1951年5月20日,毛澤東(1893-1976)在《人民日報》發表社論〈應當重視電影《武訓傳》的討論〉,展開批判電影《武訓傳》。原本是題材受到文藝界大受好評,得到周恩來(1898-1976)、朱德(1886-1976)等人支持的電影,卻被毛澤東打入批判電影。中共官方組織一系列的報刊文章來批判武訓(1838-1896)與電影《武訓傳》的相關人、事、物,歷經3個多月的批判,至8月底結束。 毛澤東在社論中批判武訓的「行乞興學」:是不去觸動封建經濟基礎及上層建築,反而狂熱地宣傳封建文化,對反動的封建統治竭盡奴顏婢膝的能事。《武訓傳》還打著「為人民服務」來歌頌武訓,以農民革命的失敗來歌頌武訓,是資產階級反動思想。毛澤東認為應當展開批判,以澄清文藝界,甚至是共產黨內的混亂思想。 「文化大革命」時期,《武訓傳》又被拿出來批判,此片的編導孫瑜(1900-1990)、飾演武訓的趙丹(1915-1980)也遭受到迫害,勞改、關「牛棚」以及被迫寫交代材料。直到1985年,胡喬木(1912-1992)指出當年毛澤東批判電影《武訓傳》是非常片面、極端和粗暴,為武訓和《武訓傳》平反,將批判《武訓傳》畫下句點。 《武訓傳》作為中共建政以來第一部被批判的電影,也是第一部禁片,直到2012年才解禁,《武訓傳》具有其特殊性。因此,為何毛澤東要批判它?如何批判?以及《武訓傳》被批判後,開啟文藝界批判、電影走向一元化等影響,係本論文探討的問題。 ;May 20, 1951, Mao Zedong published the article ’’ We should pay attention to the discussion of the film Wu Xun Zhuan’’ (應當重視電影《武訓傳》的討論)in People′s Daily , opened to criticize the film. The film had been acclaimed literary and art circles, also gained praise for Zhou Enlai and Zhu De, but criticized by Mao. The CCP organized a series of critical articles to criticize Wu Xun and the film Wu Xun Zhuan related people and things. After three months of criticism , it was finished at the end of August. Mao Zedong in the article criticized Wu Xun ‘begging up schools’ not to touch the foundation of feudalism, but to promote its feudalism. The film praised of Wu Xun ‘serving the people’ and in contrasted to the peasant revolution failed. Mao thought it was the reactionary bourgeois ideology. Mao therefore expanded to clarify the CCP and literary and art circles within the reactionary ideas. During the ‘Cultural Revolution’, the film′s director Sun Yu and actor Zhao Dan have suffered persecution, Laogai, imprisoned in Niupeng and writed self-examination. Until 1985, Hu Qiaomu was in vindication of Wu Xun and the film Wu Xun Zhuan. Hu said Mao was very one-sided, extreme and rough. Wu Xun Zhuan as the first film since the founding of the PRC was criticized , it was also the first banned film. Until 2012, it lifted, the film was special. So, why did Mao criticize it and how did Mao criticize it ? After being criticized open arts rectification campaign and movie unified. These will be discussed in this dissertation.