「大凌河城戰役(1631.7.27-1631.10.28)」是晚明時期,明、金雙方重要的戰役之一。明朝廷因關外守備策略,駐軍修築大凌河城,以拓展關外防線。而金國則由大汗皇太極率兵包圍大凌河城,阻其築城。明軍雖試圖增援、突圍,但屢為金軍所敗。在近三個月後,大凌河城糧盡援絕,明軍主將祖大壽率領明軍諸將降金。而後,祖大壽與皇太極相約為內應,卻返錦未歸。「大凌河城戰役」,金國的戰術戰法在十年後為明、清關鍵「松錦之役」之先聲。而大凌河城諸將降金後,為皇太極所重用,成為清軍入關與穩定內政的主要力量。本文將從戰略、戰術、心戰及武器革新等軍事的角度來詮釋「大凌河城戰役」的背景及作戰經過,從而探究明、金雙方得失,瞭解「大凌河城戰役」的歷史意義。;The Battle of Dalinghe (1631.7.27-1631.10.28) was a major battle in the Ming-Jin period. The Ming adopted a strategy of defense outside of the Great Wall and deployed its troop at the fort of Dalinghe while the Jin enveloped Dalinghe to prevent its further construction. The army of Jin led by Hong Taiji defeated Ming’s reinforcement several times and besieged the fort. The Ming troops of Dalinghe ran out of supplies after 3 months. Then, General Zu Dashou, commander of Ming army, decided to surrender to the Jin. Zu made a secret deal with Hong Taiji and promised to be collaborating from inside at the time of Jin’s attack. However, Zhu never responded to Hong Taiji after he returned to Ming’s side. The Battle of Dalinghe was a harbinger of the Battle of Song-Jin – a decisive battle between the two countries. Those who surrendered to the Jin at this time played an important role in defeating the Ming. This study approaches the Battle of Delinghe from a military perspective. It examines this battle from the aspects of strategy, tactics, psychological warfare, and weapons. An examination of the gains and losses of both sides in this battle will help us better understand the significance of the Ming-Jing frontier war.