有機太陽能電池(Organic Photovoltaics, OPV)因具有可撓曲性、重量輕且低成本等優點,而備受學術界與工業界矚目。增加OPV光電轉換效率的方法之一是在活性層材料溶液中加入添加劑,或使用第三種有機固體材料製備活性層來增加元件的光電轉換效率。本論文利用本實驗室所合成的兩系列化合物(小分子與高分子)作為OPV的P-型材料或固體有機添加劑來組裝元件,尋找最佳元件組裝條件。在以二酮吡咯並吡咯結構為主的小分子SM系列中,SM2/PC61BM混合的活性層分別加入1,8-diiodooctane (DIO)與1-chloronaphthalene (1-CN)添加劑,所組裝之反式元件光電轉換效率可達0.71%及0.29%。以SM2:P3HT:PC61BM(重量比0.1:0.9:1)的三元組成為活性層之電池的光電轉換效率可達到3.30%。以苯並二噻吩結構為主體的高分子(P8、P10、P11),在P8/PC61BM及P11/PC61BM活性層中加入1 vol%的 DIO添加劑與在P10/PC61BM加入7 vol% 1-CN添加劑,所組裝之反式元件光電轉換效率最高分別可達1.85% (P8)、1.10% (P10)、3.48% (P11)。此外,不管是小分子或高分子材料,最佳轉速約在1000 rpm附近,小分子與高分子所製作之活性層熱退火條件顯著不同,而最佳P/N型材料混合比例與活性層起始溶液濃度則無規則可循。有趣的是以DIO作為添加劑時,最佳濃度為1 vol%但最佳1-CN添加劑濃度則隨化合物不同而有異。;Organic Photovoltaics (OPVs) have been attracted lots of attention because of the flexibility, lightweight and low fabrication cost. There are two main approaches used to improve the power conversion efficiency (PCE) of OPVs: adding additive in the active layers or adding third component in the active layer to fabricate ternary solar cell.In this thesis, the two series of compounds (small molecules and polymers), which were synthesized in our group, were used in OPVs as the donor or additive. For the diketopyrrolopyrrole based small molecule (SM), the highest PCE of the inverted SM2:PCBM based photovltaics with an additive of the 1,8-diiocooctane (1-chloronaphathalene) was 0.71% (0.29%). In the SM2:P3HT:PCBM (0.1:0.9:1 wt%) based ternary solar cells, a moderate PCE of 3.30% can be achieved. For the benzodithiophene based polymers (P8, P10, P11), the optimal PCE of the inverted P11/PC61BM based solar cells is 3.48%. The PCE of the P11/PC61BM based solar cells is 3.48% when the 1,8-diiocooctane (1 vol%) is added as the additive.There is a universal spin rate (~ 1000 rpm) for the fabrications of the active layer for SM molecules and polymers. The optimal thermal annealing conditions for the active layer based on SM molecules and polymers are not tha same. There is no a rule that can be obeyed to find out the optimized donor/acceptor ratio and concentration of the active layers. It is notice that the optimal PCE of the all solar cells can be achieved when the 1,8-diiocooctane (1 vol%) is used as the additive but no optimal concentration for the 1-chloronaphathalene additive.