台灣位處西太平洋颱風區,近百年來平均每年遭受3至4次颱風侵襲,及全球氣候變遷,豪大雨事件發生更為頻繁。「災害防救」係國軍中心任務之一,目前國軍已積極投注人力與資源,從事災防之研究與各項救災作業能力之精進,希冀具備專業與快速反應能力;然經歷多次災害防救任務之考驗,國軍災害防救作為仍有相當之改進空間,如何於災害來襲前,能以最短時間執行救災機具兵力預置成為值得研究的議題。 本研究以達成「預置兵力、隨時防救」的政策指導,各部隊需先行調查聯防區內災害類型及區域,並選定預置兵力點,俾利先行救災兵力機具預置,以達成災救任務。以北、中、南三個聯防區為例,由陸軍司令部災害應變中心,指揮調度工兵機具板運車輛,由駐地出發至預置兵力點,最後返回出發點,並考量跨區增援的可行性為研究範圍。建立一套以整數規劃為架構之數學最佳化模式,將資料以Microsoft Excel 2013軟體方式輸入LINGO 12.0套裝軟體求解,可得最短機動板運時間,並可肆應不同兵力預置點,隨時調整及設定參數,迅速重新檢視所需最短機動時間。為驗證模式之合理性及適用性。故本研究可靈活運用於救災實務中最短時間兵力預置決策問題,以提供決策者掌握災情俾利機具調派之重要參考。;Taiwan has been facing many tremendous heavy rains incidents due to the fact that Taiwan is located among the Typhoon area of Western Pacific Ocean and affected by 3 to 4 Typhoons annually and global climate change in hundred years. Disaster Relief Operation is now considered a core mission for Taiwan Armed Forces. It has poured so much effort not only into practices but also the researches on the relief knowledge and capabilities to reinforce the emergency responsiveness. In fact, the recent relief experiences show that there is a way ahead for Military Disaster Relief Operation. How to pre-position the relief assets immediately before Typhoon approach is regarded as a crucial factor. This study tends to follow the disaster relief guidance of “pre-positioning and rapid response”. Field troops have to survey the types and areas of potential disaster within its responsible operational area so as to develop the pre-positioning operational plans in order to accomplish the relief mission. Taking Northern , Central and Southern Joint Defense areas for example, the Disaster Response Center of Army Command dispatches mobile trailer from the base to pre-positioning position and vice versa, as well as the research assessment on the cross-region capability and feasibility. Furthermore, this study intends to establish an optimal model by input data in the Microsoft Excel 2013 with LINGO 12.0 package, which can acquire the mobile trailer transportation time, pre-positioning position, and readjustment on relief operation.This study draws a significant efficiency and effectiveness which can also provides the full information for decision makers to make a better judgment at right time in the right way.