本研究主要探討國內住宅性能評估制度與透過日本成功推行的經驗及國內推動綠建築標章制度的經驗以了解台灣住宅性能評估制度推廣所遭遇的障礙與不足之處。 依財團法人台灣建築中心各年度決算書資料顯示,自民國99年來每年評估的案件仍非常之稀少,其每年相關業務預算也僅有二百萬,加上又同時推動眾多之業務,使得住宅性能評估制度推廣之資源嚴重不足,推廣之成效幾乎是微乎其微。 921大地震及去年之美濃大地震,造成民眾生命財產的重大損失,建築結構安全評估在政府補助下似稍有成效,惟仍難以讓住宅性能評估普及化;在政府大力推動社會住宅、合宜住宅的當下,正是推廣住宅性能評估制度的契機,由公辦的住宅做起以帶動優質住宅之風潮 本研究藉由SWOT分析結果來探討台灣住宅性能評估制度推廣的策略,並提出建議供各相關單位參考。;This study focused on discussion Housing Performance Evaluation System. Through the successful implementation of the Japanese experience and Domestic experience to promote green building Badge System to learn barrier Housing Performance Evaluation System to promote Taiwan encountered and deficiencies. According to Taiwan Architecture & Building Center each year statements of statistics, Cases from the Republic of China 99 years to evaluate each year is really appalling. Related business has an annual budget of two million and While promoting many of the business. A serious shortage of Housing Performance Evaluation System so that the promotion of resources. 921 earthquake and last year′s earthquake in Mino, Resulting in significant loss of lives and property of the people. Structural safety assessment seems somewhat effectiveness in government grants, but still difficult to make Housing Performance Evaluation System popularization. Government promotes social housing, decent housing moment, it is an opportunity to promote Housing Performance Evaluation System, driven by the public in order to start a wave of high-quality residential housing. The study by SWOT analysis to explore the Taiwan Housing Performance Evaluation System to promote strategies and make recommendations to the relevant reference units