摘要 潛盾隧道施工引進國內施工已有很長之時間且已成熟,潛盾隧道於地質調查與各項調查設計套繪後交付發包施工,施工廠商必須儘速依據規範地質調查及補充地質調查報告資料、掘進路線、地下水位、覆土深度、曲率半徑、潛盾機外徑及其他因素與條件,將資料研判與潛盾機製造廠商討論,決定適合本標地質之潛盾機。 潛盾機之選擇與設計與施工前之各項模擬作業規畫可讓一個潛盾工程順利成功或因成本考量忽略其中之關鍵與流程引致延宕停工而發生工程災害,再亡羊補牢另謀其道,投入大量成本謀求因應之解決對策,本文將針對潛盾隧道工程掘進施工過程中所遭遇之困難及經歷過程,藉由潛盾機於施工掘進過程中之所遭遇不確定性之因素,引致潛盾機遭遇障礙,前進受困停滯影響,並以實際施工案例探討分析,潛盾工法於施工前置作業規畫前,應注意事項及應防範而未注意及防範之突發案例之施工困難點,及現場困難問題之解決對策等,希冀研究心得方能提供後續有心設計與施工之參考者作為研究分析之參考。;Abstract The use of shield tunnel has been in practice for a long time and has matured since its introduction into Taiwan. A shield tunnel is contracted for construction after the geological survey and drawing of the design. The construction contractor must analyze the data based on the geological survey information and supplementary geological reports, excavation path, ground water elevation, covering depth, radius of curvature, the outer diameter of tunnel boring machine and other factors and conditions and discuss with the manufacturer to determine the tunnel boring machine suitable for the geological conditions of this project.
The selection and design of the shield machine and the planning and simulation works before the construction can lead to the success of the shield tunnel project or when one of the key factors and process are ignored due to cost consideration may lead to the delay or stop of the work which result in disasters, remedies are sought with tremendous costs incurred to find solutions. Using the actual construction cases, this paper explores and analyzes the issues to be noted and the construction difficulties encountered due to ignorance of the precaution measures as well as the solutions to the issues on the construction site based on the difficulties encountered and the process of the excavation by the tunnel boring machines which may encounter obstacles and have delays in their advances. It is hoped that the insights gained will serve as reference for study and analysis by those who are interested in the design and construction of shield tunnels.