2014年ASTM發佈ASTM C1778降低鹼質粒料反應危害風險指引,主要係對鹼質粒料反應的檢測、減緩之方法,以使危害性膨脹發生之可能降至最低。其中降低鹼-氧化矽反應的方法有方法有二,其一為以ASTM C1567或ASTM C1293進行試驗之性能基準法,其二為處方法,而此兩法對於台灣反應性粒料之有效性仍有待驗證。 本文針對常用之台灣砂石進行ASTM C1260及ASTM C1293試驗,以評估ASTM C1567是否適用於特定粒料防制對策之決定。此外,針對台灣典型之反應性粒料,分別以性能基準法及處方法決定輔助膠結材(Supplementary Cementitious Material, SCM)之取代量。在性能基準法方面,利用ASTM C1567試驗,決定台電飛灰及中聯爐石粉之有效取代量。在處方法方面,根據粒料反應等級,考慮一般性結構物及使用環境,決定SCM取代量,並比較兩法決定SCM取代量。 本文研究結果顯示:(1)台灣常用粒料可採用ASTM C1567進行試驗,且獲致偏保守之防制措施。(2)針對台灣典型反應性粒料及台灣常見用之SCM,採用處方法得到的取代量較採用性能基準法之取代量為高,亦即利用處方法決定的防制措施較性能基準法保守,故在台灣採用處方法防制鹼質粒料反應為保守且有效之途徑。 ;ASTM C1778 was introduced in 2014 to reduce the risk of deleterious alkali-aggregate reaction in Concrete. Two types of approaches, performance-based and prescriptive, are used for selecting appropriate preventive measures. In this thesis, ASTM C1293 and ASTM C1260 are conducted with aggregates from major basins in Taiwan to validate if ASTM C1567 is applicable to evaluate the SCM replacement amount under the requirement of performance-based approach in ASTM C1778. Three types of aggregates are evaluated with ASTM C1778 to get the requied amounts of SCM replacement with both performance-based and prescriptive approaches. Results show that ASTM C1567 can be applied with most aggregates in Taiwan and conservative mitigating measures are suggested. For common types of SCM in Taiwan, the suggested value from prescriptive approach gives higher values than performance-based approach. Therefore, prescriptive approach is effective and applicable in Taiwan for AAR mitigation.