由於學生任於液晶顯示器行業,故因此有機會接觸許許多多的不良面板,該不不良面板不良因有可能為設計者設計有誤,抑或是工廠製程精度不足所致,或是製程環境中的環境影響,總而言之,各種千奇百種的原因直接上或間接上造成顯示器點燈後的不良現象。該不良面板為了避免後續流入客端市場,後而造成公司上人力與金額的負擔,影響後續客戶模組廠端裝機時間排程與公司商譽損害。 故顯示不良面板有必要進行解析。經由觀察不良現象面,分析與評估各種可能性後,設計實驗確認比對,最終確認顯示器不良成因,進而確認是何段製程造成的缺陷或是設計缺陷,再進一步針對需優化處,而提出改善對策與提升良率方法。 本論文主要針對TFT-LCD液晶顯示器之縱條紋現象提出新穎的觀察方法,利用顯微鏡所拍攝的影像進行影像二值化,優化觀察的方法,使不良現象能夠更清晰觀測,並追尋其規則性。 而本論文中所提及解析手法係依照設計部門與製造解析部門共同研究討論而成,並經過廠內實際製造條件允許下,方才完成此實驗。 ;Because I am a engineer in TFT-LCD industry. So I have many opportunitys to face to bad–display TFT-LCD panels. And many bad –display TFT-LCD panels are poduced resulting in many possibility existing reasons:it’s possibly design error or the factory manufacture insufficient accuracy. Or the manufacture environment were not clean. Many reasons would directly lead to or indirect lead to those ad–display TFT-LCD panels. So we need to understanding how the problems with those panels Through observing and planing the experiment to make sure what is the reason lead to the unusal-display phenomenon on TFT-LCD panels. This paper is mainly for studing for a vertical stripes display phenomenon on TFT-LCD panels. According to analyze and plan the experiment and optimize the technique, we find the reason. It can make a new SOP aviod to we face the similar problem after. So we can save more cost and time. This technique in this paper were estabished by department of design engineers and department of factory engineers.