「福德正神」為對土地神的尊稱,客家人稱為「伯公」,閩南人稱為「土地公」,稱謂不同,但對伯公信仰則不分族群。伯公信仰深植民間,並融入人民生活中。本文研究以南庄地區伯公信仰與傳說楹聯研究,經由田野調查蒐邏伯公傳說與楹聯采集,透過文獻資料的歸納、分析做為本文研究的題材。全文共分成六章: 第一章為緒論,說明研究動機與目的、研究方法、範圍與限制、文獻探討等。 第二章為南庄地區伯公祠形成背景與伯公信仰探討。主要探討伯公祠形成背景與人文、自然環境的關係;信仰則是針對信仰的發展和特色做探討。 第三章為南庄地區伯公的職掌神能與伯公型制演進。從伯公型制的演進以瞭解社會經濟形態的變遷。 第四章為南庄地區伯公傳說的內涵分析,並從南庄伯公傳說探討先民的生活背景。 第五章從語文句型與文意內涵兩個層次探討南庄伯公祠楹聯的功能特質。包含楹聯長短句型與對仗句型、頌揚恩澤、歌誦神蹟等楹聯做內涵分析研究。 第六章為結論,說明本文研究成果與對未來的期許。 本研究結果顯示,南庄地區伯公信仰傳說和楹聯文化的研究,見證了先民的移墾史與生活形態的演變。研究的素材可配合南庄觀光産業,將古色古香的石板屋宇古蹟與楹聯文化融入觀光旅遊活動並納入鄉土文化教材,讓古蹟與楹聯文化能永續發展並發揮到更高的價值。 ;“Fude Zhengshen” is a respectful appellation of land deity. It’s titled as “Bag Gung” for Hakka and “Thóo Tī Kong for Taiwanese. Except the appellations, there are no differences in the faith of “Bag Gung”. The faith of“Bag Gung” is deeply rooted in folk and close to people’s daily lives. In this thesis, it’s going to analyze the legends and couplets in the area of Nán Zhuāng by the way of field survey and induction of literatures. The thesis is divided into six chapters. The first chapter is an introduction that consists of motivation and purpose, research methods, scope and limitations, and literature review. The second chapter focuses on the relationship among the background of“Bag Gung” temple, mankind and natural environment, especially the development and characteristic of“Bag Gung” belief. In the third chapter, we try to interpret socio-economic changes from the evolution of “Bag Gung” system in Nán Zhuāng. In chapter four, we put emphasis on the connotation analysis of“Bag Gung” legend for discussing life background of the ancestors in Nán Zhuāng. Chapter five offers the analysis on the sentence patterns and intentional connotation of couplets in order to go into the capability of these couplets at“Bag Gung” temples in Nán Zhuāng. Chapter six is the conclusion as well as the possible direction of future study can be developed in this subject. The result of this thesis shows that the migration history of the ancestors and the evolution of the life. We are able to put the cultures of the“Bag Gung” temples and couplets in Nán Zhuāng into tourism and local culture textbooks to make them much more sustainable and valuable.