摘要: | 笑科係民間普遍个口頭文學,乜係一般人在日常生活當中,缺少毋得个調解品。佢做得改善客家庒耕種時節緊張个心情,也做得平和一般人在交際上,發生衝突硬程个氣氛。笑科雖然係一隻毋上眼界个細螺絲仔,毋過佢包含著各族群各式各樣个故事情節。所以筆者就想愛將客家族群,在日常生活當中,所凝下來个笑科文本,做一種深入个研究。 本文總下分成六章,第一章係緒論,說明研究个動機、目的摎方法,指出臺灣北部客家笑話所涵蓋个範圍摎限制,並斡轉頭看摎探討分析前人對客家笑科个相關文獻;第二章將客家笑科做修辭上个分類研究摎內容手法个剖析以及取材个分析,說明客家笑科文本有兜係來自古籍,有兜係在地自然產生个文本;第三章運用認知語言學个概念,探討笑話文本當中,所反映一般庶民个民俗生活習慣摎隱含个禁忌;第四章分析笑話文本當中,所反映客家兩性角色之間个關係,在權利象徵上个形象、生產勞動、工作分配、教育權利以及家庭婚姻个關係,探討兩性角色互動个反思摎重新定位个觀念;第五章說明客家笑科在客語教學摎傳承上、心理、身體、人際關係上以及教育上个意涵,還有客家笑科存在个價值;第六章係結論摎建議。
關鍵詞:笑科、客家笑科、認知語言學、民俗、兩性角色關係 ;The Study of Hakka Jokes in Northern Taiwan Abstract A joke is common folk, spoken language of literature. It is an essential element that people add spice to their daily life. A joke can ease the pressure of Hakka farm house during busy farming period. It can also be a great release of tension between interpersonal conflicts. Although jokes are insignificant elements, they contain a variety of ethnic tales. The purpose of the study aimed to discuss the text of Hakka jokes. The study is divided into six chapters. The first chapter is the introduction, which explains the motivation, purpose and method of the study. It points out the scope and limitation of Hakka jokes in the northern Taiwan. It also reviews and analyzes the previous literature about Hakka jokes. Chapter two contains the rhetorical classification of Hakka jokes, analysis of content, and analysis of the original of Hakka jokes. Some of them are from ancient books; some of them are generated naturally in the local language. The third chapter uses the concept of cognitive linguistics to explore the common folk customs and implied taboos reflected in the joke text. The fourth chapter analyzes the relationship of gender roles between Hakka characters reflected in the joke text, in the aspect of the symbol of power, the production, the distribution of labor, the right to education, and the relationship between family and marriage. It reflects and relocates the interaction of both genders. The fifth chapter discusses the relationship between Hakka joke and Hakka teaching and inheritance, psychology, physiology, interpersonal relationship, the meaning in education, and the value of Hakka joke. Chapter six is for the conclusions and suggestions.
Key words: Jokes, Hakka jokes, cognitive linguistics, folklore, gender relations |