本文嘗試將兵書《孫子兵法》的理論應用在「永續發展」議題的探究,先引介《孫子兵法》對於環境的看法,其次,因為道家對於環境議題已經有了比較淺顯容易把握的解釋,因而本文從《孫子兵法》與「道家」有關的思想內容開始討論。接下來以我們比較有經驗意含的商戰來開展《孫子兵法》諸想法的可能運用,而相關想法在商戰中的應用已有相當規模,並有具體的成效展現。接著將整合出來的重點融入環境議題的討論,進一步揭露《孫子兵法》中的環境考量之深意。最後在實際的案例中討論《孫子兵法》的價值、前瞻與意義,《孫子兵法》中的理論要討論起來博大精深、用途廣闊,但是真的要應用起來,並不如想像中容易,必須要有各種不同面向的考量。因此,提出數個實際的案例,才能成為理論的助力。 總之,任何一個執行的政策,都需要一個理論為後盾,而這個理論越強大,執行者得到的支持可能就越大。本文把中國哲學思想與環境倫理學論議嵌結起來,一體照應相關問題,而為現在的「永續發展」提供一些可資運用的計策。 ;I am trying to apply the theory of "The Art of War" on the "sustainable development", I start with introducing how the author of this book see our environment. I will begin with the relationship between Taoism and "The Art of War," because Taoist themes have more explanation about our environment. Then I will discuss the application of "Art of War" on trade war, the nonbleeding war. Those applications are already good enough to show some result. Then I will transplant these theories on the use of environmental issues, sustainable development. Trade war and sustainable development seem not close enough to share the same theories, but for the "Art of War", the theories in the book can be used in a variety of different fields. In the end, I will discuss the value and the future use, and the meaning of "The Art of War" in real cases. Although the theories of “Art of War" are profound and broad use, but to apply it, is not as easy as we think, it takes all kinds of consideration of different aspects. Therefore, I need some real cases to help. All kind of policies need a theory to back up. How powerful the theory is, how support they can get. I am trying to use Chinese philosophy and environmental ethics to back up for the "sustainable development" together, try to make an effort for the "sustainable development.”