摘要: | 宋代以後,逐漸出現一種新的政軍整合模式,即以文人領軍,范仲淹即為一顯例。至明代中葉,隨著巡撫制度的完善,文人領軍漸成常態,王守仁即以此一模式於江西敉平諸多亂事,朱燮元更是此一模式深具代表性的人物。朱燮元,浙江山陰縣人,他來自山陰白洋朱氏,其祖先追隨明成祖時以武官發跡,至弘治年間始有科舉功名,亦於此時創制宗祠家塾,朱燮元便深受白洋朱氏之家風影響。他將家學與前期仕宦的經驗相結合,方能掌握機遇於「奢安之亂」中大放異彩。 朱燮元為萬曆二十年進士,起官為大理寺評事,其前期仕途歷經蘇州知府、廣東提學副使、陝西按察使、四川布政使等官,於任內積累實務經驗,並留下諸多政績。至天啟元年於四川左布政任內遭逢「奢安之亂」,困守成都百日,終在其指揮下擊潰奢崇明軍,破解危局。其後復重慶,破永寧,定蜀地,受朝廷重用陞至貴、湖、川、雲、廣五省總督兼貴州巡撫。於五省總督任內徹底平定「奢安之亂」,其善後處置,與當時西南同僚意見不合,卻受中央支持,得遂行其策。 ;After Song dynasty, there was a new pattern known as Confucian commanders, which combined political and military, and Fan Zhongyan(范仲淹) was a famous example. Around Mid-Ming Dynasty, with the develop of Circuit inspector system, this kind of pattern became normal. Under this pattern, Wang Shouren(王守仁) was able to put down rebellions in Jiangxi(江西), and Zhu Xieyuan(朱燮元) was one of the representative figures of this. Zhu Xieyuan was from Zhejiang(浙江) Sanin(山陰) County, and belong to Sanin Baiyang(白洋) Zhu clan. His ancestors fought with Yongle(永樂) Emperor and became famous for a military officer. During Hongzhi(弘治) Emperor, the family began to have someone succeed from imperial examination, and this was also the period they started to have an ancestral hall. Zhu Xieyuan was affected by this family tradition, and he combined the family academic transmission and his early official experience, so was an able grand appearance on Rebellion of SheAn(奢安). Zhu Xieyuan became a scholar in WanLi(萬曆) 20th, started his career with Court of Judicial Review Case Reviewer, and went through Suzhou(蘇州) Prefect, Guangdong(廣東) Vice Education-intendant Censor, Shaanxi(陝西) Surveillance Commissioner, and Sichuan(四川) Administration Commissioner. He not only accumulated actual practice experience but also left great achievements. When Zhu Xieyuan was Sichuan Administration Commissioner, Rebellion of SheAn, which started from the first year of Tianqi(天啟), happened. Although they were trapped in Chengdu(成都), under Zhu’s command, they were able to rout She Chongming. After this, they recovered Chongqin(重慶), break down Yongning(永寧), and settle down at Shu(蜀). Zhu was well trusted by the imperial government and was promoted to Guizhou(貴州), Huguang(湖廣), Sichuan, Yunnan(雲南), Guangxi(廣西) Supreme Commander and Guizhou Grand Coordinator. During the period of Guizhou, Huguang, Sichuan, Yunnan, Guangxi supreme commander, he put down Rebellion of SheAn. Even though he had disagreed with his colleague, however, his opinion got the support from central government and was able to be operated. |