本研究主要是建立一套系統整合的圖形使用者介面軟體,包含前處理、處理、後處理功能的視窗介面程式,可以讓使用者在簡單、直覺以及快速的環境中,使用二維結構與固體動力分析程式,來探討橋梁之耐震性能。在視窗介面中,使用者只需依照視窗文字提示以及提醒訊息填入模型資料,即可進行分析,因此能夠大量節省輸入資料所耗費的時間,此外視窗介面可以針對輸入之資料進行檢查及編排,可有效降低輸入檔格式錯誤的可能性。開發過程,係使用物件導向程式語言「Python」來設計圖形使用者介面,並與分析引擎連結,完成一個連貫的視窗介面工作平台。;The research is aimed to develop a graphical user interface program to do system integration. The program including preprocess, process and post process for 2D dynamic analysis of structures and solids. So user can discuss the design of structures on an easy and fast way. In the interface, user only need to read explain and notice to do analysis. It can save much time. The program can fully automatic checking input data so that error can be found and modify. In the research use Python that is an object-oriented programming language to develop a graphical user interface and connect with the 2D dynamic analysis of structures and solids. To develop a graphical user interface working platform.