近年來,由於溫室效應導致氣候變遷,人們的環保意識亦隨之抬頭,如何有效的管控成本、車輛調派和選擇處理場,則成為一重要之課題。目前營建工程中,營建廢棄物清運的方式以載運車為主。營建廢棄物選擇處理場、載運車輛調派、成本營運控管以人工經驗的方式進行規劃,缺乏系統性的整體考量,常導致資源浪費。本研究以系統最佳化之觀點,環保清運公司為立場,發展營建廢棄物清運排程暨選址模式,期望能提供有效地規劃輔助工具,以幫助決策者有效地規劃營建廢棄物排程與選址相關問題。 本研究藉由時空網路流動技巧,構建營建廢棄物清運排程暨選址模式,並以定式營建廢棄物車輛在時空網路中流動情況。以最小化總成本為目標建構模式,根據問題特性加入相關額外限制,以期符合實務營運條件。然而,本研究為混合整數網路流動問題,屬於NP-hard問題。在模式求解方面,因數學規劃軟體目前並無法在有限的時間內求得最佳解。 因此,本研究乃針對此模式以C++ 程式語言結合數學規劃套裝軟體CPLEX,發展啟發式演算法有效地進行問題求解。最後,為評估模式與演算法之應用績效,本研究參考某環保公司資料及合理假設輸入資料,以臺北市和新北市進行範例測試且針對不同參數進行敏感度分析,結果顯示本模式與啟發解在實務上可有效的用運用,可提供決策者作為營建廢棄物清運排程與選址規劃之參考。;As greenhouse effect keeps deteriorating global climate, the awareness of environmental protection has also raised in recent years. Therefore, controlling operating costs, choosing transfer vehicles and selecting waste-treatment places are important. So far in the construction projects, the transportation of construction waste mainly depends on trunks; location selection, assignments of transferred vehicles, control of operating costs mainly rely upon personal experiences and therefore lack for systematic considerations, which usually causing waste of resources. Using system optimization and data from an environmental company for transporting construction waste, this research develops a model of transportation of construction waste and location of waste-treatment places in hope to provide an effective tool to help decision-makers with problems related to transportation of construction waste and location of waste-treatment places. In this study, the time-space network technique is utilized to develop a model of construction waste transportation and the location of waste-treatment plants determined, with the objective of minimizing the total operating cost. The model is formulated as an integer network flow problem with side constraints, which is characterized as NP-hard. To solve large problems occurred in practice efficiently, a solution algorithm is developed. Finally, a case study using real data examples in Taipei and New Taipei from an environmental company is conducted to evaluate the performance of the proposed model and the solution algorithm. The test results are good, showing that the model and the solution algorithm can be used as references for transporting construction waste and determining the location of waste-treatment plants.