在超對稱沒有R 宇稱的情況下, 對於一迴圈貢獻於電 子的電偶極矩, 我們給予詳細的分析和數值上的計算. 在許多種類的一迴圈貢獻中, 我們對於由二線性和三 線性參數組合成的費曼圖感興趣. 二線性參數透過費 米子和純量子的質量混合來顯現, 然而三線性參數是 透過質量本徵態的有效頂點. 我們有系統的研究和分 析這些R 宇稱破壞的參數對於一迴圈費曼圖貢獻於電 偶極矩的影響. We present a detailed analysis together with numerical calculations on one-loop contributions to the electron electric dipole moment from supersymmetry without R parity. We are interested at class of one-loop contributions are obtained from diagrams involving bilinear-trilinear parameter combinations. The bilinear parameters come into play through mass mixings induced among the fermions and scalars (slepton and Higgs states), while the trilinear parameter enters through a mass eigenstate e ective coupling vertex. We have made a systematic study of the in uence of R-parity violating parameters on the one-loop EDM diagrams.