完整的建築物耐震能力評估包括初評與詳評,本研究提出鋼構造建築物耐震能力初步評估與詳細評估辦法。鋼構造建築物耐震能力初步評估法適用於低矮型的鋼結構建築物,以檢核柱、斜撐等抗側向力構件是否能滿足耐震需求判斷建築物的耐震性能。鋼構造詳細評估法為延續鋼筋混凝土建築物耐震能力詳細評估方法之原理以容量震譜法與非線性靜力側推分析為基礎,並使用國內工程師普遍使用之ETABS程式進行非線性靜力側推分析。本研究整理與統計國內已完成的118筆鋼結構構件試驗資料,提出構件受力與變形之建議塑鉸曲線,且與ETABS程式內建值、FEMA 273及ASCE 41-13等建議塑鉸曲線比較,顯示本研究所提出的受力與變形曲線較為接近試驗結果且偏保守。其次,經由分析兩座門形鋼構架與一座同心斜撐鋼構架試驗結果,使用本研究提出的構件受力與變形曲線所得之構架側推曲線仍較ETABS程式及FEMA273及ASCE41-13接近試驗反應,顯示本研究所提出之構件受力與變形曲線確實較為合理。最後,本研究選取兩棟鋼構造建築物進行耐震初步評估及詳細評估,以完整說明鋼構造耐震評估流程並對評估結果進行討論。;A complete seismic evaluation method for buildings include preliminary evaluation and detailed evaluation, the study propose preliminary and detailed seismic evaluation method for steel structure buildings. Preliminary seismic evaluation method for steel structures apply to low steel structure buildings, and check whether the anti-lateral force components can satisfy the seismic demand to determine the seismic performance of buildings. Seismic evaluation method for steel structures based on the same theory as seismic evaluation method for reinforced concrete buildings, which include capacticy spectrum method and nonlinear static analysis, and we use ETABS to run nonlinear static pushover analysis. The study collated and recorded 118 steel structure experimental data and proposed the force and deformation plastic hinge curves. Compare the force and deformation curves to ETABS default, FEMA 273, and ASCE 41-13, showing that the force and deformation curves proposed in this study are closer to the experimental results and are conservative. Secondly, through analyzed two gated steel frames and a concentrically braced steel frame, we found that analyzing with force and deformation curves proposed in this study can get results whtch are closer to the experimental reaction than analyzing with ETABS default, FEMA 273, and ASCE 41-13. It shows the force and deformation curves proposed in this study are more reasonable. Last, there are seismic evaluations and explanations for two steel structure buildings.