本研究系探討桃園市政府消防局火災搶救作業幕僚運作規劃,由於近幾年各縣市開始重視火災搶救幕僚作業之功能,雖陸續規劃有各縣市火災搶救幕僚作業相關要點,但卻因規畫有時不切乎實際而造成效果不彰之情形。本研究藉由分析火災搶救幕僚所可能發生的問題與狀況作探討,利用根本原因分析之魚骨圖之視覺化工具清楚歸納出問題之類別及屬性,以進一步明確火災搶救幕僚之主要功能及其任務規畫。另為規劃符合桃園市政府消防局火災搶救幕僚實際有效運作之模式,協助指揮官管制火場及掌握相關資訊、協助指揮官任務下達及管控任務成效、提供指揮官決斷及戰術運用建議,本研究參考台北市與新北市火災搶救幕僚之模式並規劃考量規畫桃園縣政府消防局大隊勤務運作模式,納入緊急事故指揮體系與事故現場指揮與管制運作之原則與精神,提供目前桃園市政府消防局明確及最合乎實際火災幕僚運作機制之規劃參考。期使未來桃園市政府消防局火災搶救幕僚得以有效運作並發揮功能,以達到保障救災人員及降低民眾傷亡與財產損失之目的。;This research investigates the staff members′ operation on fire scene of Taoyuan Fire Department. In recent years, many local governments value the function of staff members′ operation on fire scene, and regulate directions on the operation the staff members′ operation on fire scene. However, many directions are ineffective because of being impracticable. This research analyzes possible problems and situations that staff members may face on the fire scenes. This study utilizes visualizing measure of Cause& Effect /Fishbone Diagram to clearly induce classification and property of problems. Furthermore, clarifying the main function and mission of staff members on fire scenes. In order to produce a sound direction on effective staff members′ operation of fire scene for Taoyuan Fire Department, to assist commander to control, get relevant information, give proper order and assess performance, and provide suggestions of strategies. The research also looks into the staff members′ operation of fire scene of Taipei City Fire Department and New Taipei City Fire Department, and utilizes the principles of ICS(Incident command System) and CCIO(Command and contral of incident operations). Finally, the research provides a suggestion of staff members′ operation mechanism of fire scene of brigade level for Taoyuan Fire Department. Hopefully the research can help to improve the effectiveness of staff members′ operation on fire scene of Taoyuan Fire Department, to safeguard the firefighters, and reduce the casualties and property damages of the public in the future.