鋼板樁結構廣泛的運用在擋土開挖及近水公路的擋土支撐結構上。然而此類結構物於地震作用力下十分脆弱,特別是在飽和土壤的條件下。近來有許多大地工程的案例透過有線元素法模擬分析,皆得到許多成功的模擬結果,本研究目的為透過離心模型試驗結果,建立有限元素法基礎模型。 本研究首先透過地工離心機試驗分別於乾砂地盤及飽和地盤(飽和液面為下層表面)進行單排鋼板樁及雙排鋼板樁震動試驗。透過試驗結果取得系統性質並透過GeoStudio 分析軟體建立有限元素模型。 試驗結果顯示FEM模型能有效地預測鋼板樁的側向變位及最大彎矩值,但在土壤沉陷的計算上沒有良好的準確度。試驗結果顯示,鋼板樁最大彎矩值在振動試驗中高於初始穩定狀態30 %且沉陷最大處發生於樁後0.25倍樁高位置,此結果與Ou(1993)中說明開挖產生沉陷位置不同。除此之外,雙排鋼板樁試驗中呈現較小的側向變位及沉陷,由於雙排鋼板樁前後排互制下具有較高的勁度。根據本研究結果,FEM模型模擬結果考量恰當的安全係數下可以模擬離心模型試驗中鋼板樁的側向變位與彎矩值,但沉陷分析建議採用其他分析方法以取得較準確的結果。 ;Sheet pile structure system has been widely employed for excavation, water-front structure highway, etc. as the retaining structure. However, this kind of structure is vulnerable to seismic loading especially in the saturated ground condition. In addition, the Finite Element Method (FEM) recently success in simulating many problem of geotechnical engineering, this work try to produce a benchmark of computing result base on centrifuge modeling data. In this research, a series of test were adopted simulate the single and double wall sheetpile structure in dry and saturated (water level up to dredge line) sandy ground. The system proper-ties measured during flying the model were collected to construct a numerical model via com-mercial Finite Element Method (FEM) software GeoStudio. The result shows that the FEM model success in estimate lateral displacement and the maxima appearance moment, meanwhile the computed settlement did not reach a high accuracy. Base on the experiment data, the maxima moment in studied seismic event is 30 percent higher than which measured at static state. The maxima settlement is located at distance equal to 0.25 of wall height that is differ from the maxima settlement due to excavation that introduced by Ou (1993). Moreover, the double wall system exhibited a smaller lateral displacement and settlement due to their higher stiffness which thank to the interaction between the front and rear sheetpile. According to this research, it may relevant to estimate the lateral displacement and moment in mentioned structure by FEM software with a suitable factor of safety, the settlement should be estimate by another method for a precise value.