關鍵基礎設施相依性之研究自西元1998年美國總統柯林頓年代的總統命令(Clinton 1998)前便已開始,此研究的目的在於探討系統間停轉造成之擴散效應。然而,直至西元2001年,九一一恐怖攻擊事件後,據美國土木工程師學會調查報告,相較於直接因素造成的損失,間接因素的影響更鉅,例如:大樓倒塌導致輸配電網損毀,進而造成曼哈頓區停電,以及車站停轉致使自來水處理廠氯氣供應中斷,方使研究逐漸受到重視,相關文獻增加。 「本體論」一詞起源於哲學,主要為探討物體的存在:物體是什麼?物體是什麼概念?物體們之間的聯繫為何?二十世紀90年代初期,學者給予本體論在電腦科學領域的審慎定義:指一種對於某一概念體系的詳細說明。而後,本體論逐漸應用於人工智慧與知識庫領域,並在西元2012年,學者提出將本體論之緊急事件應變架構加入建築資訊模型而形成包含緊急應變架構之建築資訊模型作為分析,本文將利用本體論探討物體們之間聯繫的特性,應用於分析災害影響,藉以表達當災害發生時,物體彼此的影響與可能之停轉擴散效應,並建立災害影響架構,除此之外,亦加入語意網路規則語言與語意查詢網路規則語言技術,進行災害影響推論,藉著從建築資訊模型利用輔助程式提取資訊轉化為本體論模型套用至災害影響架構進行推論,證明此方法論之可行性。;As the presidential directive PDD-63 on the subject of critical infrastructure protection issued by US President Bill Clinton in 1998, the importance of the research regarding critical infrastructure interdependency (CII) has escalated significantly. The main objective of CII is to investigate the cascading effects caused by the inoperability of one or a set of certain infrastructure systems. In fact, the September 11 attacks in the New York city clearly showed that CII can be the main source of contributing various disturbances for infrastructure systems, as indicated in several papers published in ASCE journals. Hence, finding a method to describe CII and to ameliorate its impacts is needed from the national security perspective. Ontology-related technologies originally come from the philosophy field and have been applied to the computer science and knowledge management fields. An ontology model can be used to represent the relations and properties of an object in a given domain. In this study, we modify formalized vulnerability representation schema, which was proposed by Dr. Leite in 2012, in order to analyze the threat influence to see its cascading effects within a building. We utilize building information modeling (BIM) technologies to automatically derive the ontology model, and then define several rules to assess the vulnerability of a facility. Finally a real-world MRT station was utilized to demonstrate the proposed approach, and several scenarios were examined to see how an important facility can be protected.