我們利用史隆數位巡天計畫(SDSS)、廣域紅外線巡天探測衛星(WISE)、射電暗 源巡天(FIRST) 以及Swift 的X 射線望遠鏡(XRT) 的資料,調查窄線西佛星系的中紅 外線以及電波輻射之間的關係。我們發現窄線西佛星系的中紅外線跟電波輻射之間有 很好的正比關係。另一方面,我們發現中紅外線輻射跟[O III] 譜線強度之間也呈現良 好的正比關係。接著我們發現中紅外線輻射跟黑洞質量也有正比關係。然而我們發現 中紅外線輻射跟X 射線強度似乎並沒有明顯的關聯性。最後我們使用GALFIT 軟體去 將窄線西佛星系分解成核球、星系盤以及活躍星系核三部分。接著我們發現電波輻射 與星系盤亮度的相關性最佳,這或許是恆星形成活動造成的結果。而另一方面,中紅 外線輻射跟[O III] 譜線強度則是來自於活躍星系核。我們的結果顯示窄線西佛星系中 大部分的中紅外線輻射應該是來自於活躍星系核。;We investigated the relation of mid-infrared (MIR) and radio emission for Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 (NLSy1) galaxies, using the data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), the Wide-Field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE), the Faint Images of the Radio Sky at Twenty cm (FIRST), and the Swift X-Ray Telescope (XRT). We found that there is a positive correlation between the 22 m MIR (W4) and the 1.4GHz radio (FIRST) emission. Besides, the correlation exists between the 22 m MIR (W4) and the [O III] emission. Next, we found that the 22 m MIR (W4) is correlated with the black hole mass. However, we could not find significant correlation between the 22 m MIR (W4) and the X-ray emission. Finally, we utilized a two-dimensional decomposition software, “GALFIT”, to decompose the NLSy1 galaxies into bulge, disk and AGN components. Then, we found that the radio emission is well correlated with the disk component brightness for the NLSy1, suggesting that the radio emission might be related to the star formation activity. Nevertheless, the MIR and the [O III] emission are related to the AGN. Our results suggest that most of the MIR emission should be from the central AGN.