2016年2月6日當地時間03:57LT(前一天世界時19:57 UTC +8小時)台灣屏東美濃地區發生規模6.6的地震。本研究使用10座QuakeFinder系統、10台鄰近強震儀及2座次聲波系統共同觀測,美濃地震之波動及其所引發之同震擾動。QuakeFinder系統由三軸感應式磁力計、地耳、正負離子濃度感測器及相對濕度感測器等儀器所組成。研究結果顯示感應式磁力計、地耳、次聲波系統可以量測到美濃地震所引發之同震訊號。磁力計記錄了高頻磁脈衝及低頻的地磁變化,推測前者由地震波所造成,後者為磁力計晃動或是地下水位改變所造成。地耳與磁力計以及次聲波系統分別記錄了高頻和低頻地震波引發之同震效應。除了報告美濃地震所引發之同震訊號之外,本研究亦發現東台灣地耳記錄中有W形訊號,並利用圓圈法探討此類訊號之源頭,雖然獲得初步結果,然期望於最近之將來能夠開發更多QuakeFinder系統,例如:地磁波動頻譜地震前兆之相關應用。;At 03:57 LT (local time, 19:57 UTC + 8 hours) on 6 February 2016, an earthquake with a moment magnitude of 6.6 struck in the Meinong District of Kaohsiung in Taiwan. This study uses 10 pairs of QuakeFinder stations and co-located strong-seismometers, as well as 2 nearby infrasound systems to observe the co-seismic signatures triggered by the 6 February 2016 M6.6 Meinong Earthquake. QuakeFinder system consists of a 3-axes induction magnetometer, a geophone, an air conductivity sensor, and temperature/relative humidity sensors. Results reveal that the magnetometer, the geophone, the seismometer and infrasound system can detect co-seismic signatures. The magnetometers concurrently register high-frequency pulsations and low-frequency variations. It is found that the former are directly trigged by seismic waves, and the latter could be caused by the magnetometer shaking/tilting and/or the underground water level change. In general, the geophone and magnetometer/infrasound system can detect the co-seismic high- and low-frequency signatures triggered by seismic waves, respectively. During the co-seismic study, some interesting features of w-shaped pulse signals in geophone data are observed in the eastern Taiwan. A circle method has been used to locate the signal source. Nevertheless, more applications of the QuakeFinder system, such as magnetometer spectral analyses will be conducted to understand earthquake precursor anomalies in the future.