本論文為了提高立方衛星(Cube Satellite)之通訊效能,在電源與體積的限制下,針對ISM通訊頻段設計一包含天線振子、平衡-不平衡轉換器(BALUN)與阻抗匹配網路的偶極天線系統,具低成本、收納體積小之特點。 此天線系統均以COTS(Commercial Off-The-Shelf)元件設計與實現,換衡器採延遲線形式,耐受功率大、相位誤差小且低成本;阻抗匹配以多階L形網路進行匹配,輸入阻抗誤差可控制於1%內;各子模組經網路分析儀驗證,工作頻帶內輸入損耗低於-30dB,輸入阻抗為50ohm (±1%),可適用433Mhz之各形式標準射頻收發機。 由實驗驗證,此天線系統於5公里之短程通訊實驗中,接收功率較市售單極天線高12dBm;後於44.34公里之長程通訊實驗中,搭配接收靈敏度-100dBm之UHF立方衛星無線電收發機與14.15dBi增益之指向天線,以1.8W發射功率可達成40公里之可靠通訊,並經最小平方法推估環境損耗,於此配置下通訊距離可達131公里。 ;A low-cost, high-efficiency dipole antenna module for cube satellite including radiator, BALUN, and impedance matching network design by using COTS (Commercial Off-The-Shelf) components is purposed. A delay-line type BALUN is designed for 1.8 watt RF signal input, and a L-type impedance matching network is designed with low-cost COTS passive component to improve the RF power transmission efficiency between transceiver and antenna module. The input impedance of antenna module is 50 ohm (±1%) and the S11 is lower than -30dB. This antenna module design has been successfully verified in two different experiments to provide 40 kilometers wireless transmission at UHF band for two cube satellites with the 1.8 watt transmit power and 14.15dBi gain Yagi antenna, the maximum distance of wireless transmission is estimated to 131 kilometers by using least square estimation with the same experimental condition.