為研究質子穿過不同靶材的特性,建構出一套測量質子散射角的系統,並在日本大阪大學核物理研究中心(Research Center of Nuclear Physics,簡稱RCNP)運用此系統測量80Mev的質子穿過不同靶材的散射結果。測量系統是以兩個多重線絲漂移室(Multi Wire Drift Chamber,簡稱MWDC)分別置於靶前與靶後,分別測量出質子穿過靶材前與穿過後的軌跡,將此兩個軌跡的角度相減即得到散射角。在靶材後方的MWDC之後架設射程測量儀測量質子在散射後殘餘能量,並以其中的第一與第二層做為觸發用途,當同時有質子穿過時才記錄數據。 初步分析結果與1993年B. Gottschalk的實驗比較,動態範圍從100上升至1000倍,解析度從0.5⁰上升至0.1⁰,無靶材之σ從1.25⁰縮小至0.35⁰。與Geant4、FLUKA、MCNP6模擬軟體相比,實驗結果顯示在水靶的部分,散射程度會比模擬的小,且水靶厚度對散射的影響程度也比模擬的小。 ;To study the nature of proton interaction with target materials, a system of measuring multiple scattering of proton is developed. This system has been deployed at RCNP (Research Center of Nuclear Physics), Osaka University (Japan) to perform measurements of multiple scattering of 80 MeV protons. The system consists of two MWDC’s (Multi Wire Drift Chamber), targets and Range Finder. MWDC’s measure tracks of passing through protons, and angular difference of these two tracks is scattering angle. Range Finder measures the remained energy of proton after it scatters by target. The first two layers of Range Finder play the role of trigger. Comparison with published experimental result by B. Gottschalk (1993), our preliminary result shows wider dynamical (increase from 100 to 1000), better angular resolution (improvement from 0.5⁰ to 0.1⁰) and smaller systematic resolution (angular resolution without target improves from 1.25⁰ down to 0.35⁰). Our preliminary results of scattering angle measurements of water targets show narrower distributions than simulation predicts (Geant4, FLUKA and MCNP6), and their dependence of water target thickness is weaker.