摘要: | 網際網路迅速的發展之下,從早期的Web 1.0由網頁設計者單向發送訊息給網路使用者演變成現在最普遍的Web 2.0由使用網路者共同參與網站內容,媒體也跟著新形態的傳播方式改變,從傳統媒體單向傳輸資訊轉變為新媒體雙向交流模式。接著社群網站的興起,自2004年Facebook創立以來使用者遍布全球,臺灣也成為Facebook使用率非常高的國家之一。在眾多Facebook功能當中粉絲專頁為Facebook最重要的功能。Facebook客家小吵粉絲專頁以創作圖文輕鬆幽默的方式,配合客家話的音標與來自其他網站的真人發音使得很多粉絲喜愛。本研究擷取該粉絲專頁創立以來至2017年5月30日為止之貼文,將貼文分為六類:經典語錄類、時事類、諷刺類、粉絲專頁事務類、合作&分享類、其他類,並分析其按讚數、留言數、分享數,再針對使用過客家小吵粉絲專頁的使用者發放網路問卷,以使用與滿足理論探討客家小吵粉絲專頁使用者之人口特質、使用動機、使用行為與使用滿足;研究結果顯示客家小吵粉絲專頁使用者黏著度高,不會因為貼文發布頻率低而減少使用意願,最喜歡的類別為時事類,對於粉絲專頁的創新與粉絲專頁創辦者是肯定的。在了解時事上男性與女性使用者之間存在顯著差異,就滿足程度而言,在滿足對客家的好奇心方面,客家族群與非客家族群之間呈現顯著差異,對於非客家族群來說滿足程度較高。;The rapid development of the Internet has made the progress for Web 1.0 to evolve into Web 2.0, that is, for one-way message delivery from webpage designers to Internet users in the early phase to evolve into Internet users’ common participation in producing website contents, which is currently the most popular practice. The media have also changed themselves to adapt to the new form of communication. The traditional media’s one-way information transmission has transformed into the new media’s two-way exchange. Following the rise of social media, the users of Facebook have spread all over the world since 2004, and Taiwan has become one of the countries which have the most frequent Facebook users. Among the numerous functions of Facebook, a fan page is the most important one. Many fans are fond of Facebook fan page “Hakka Fighter” for its humorous creations of pictures and articles with Hakka phonetic symbols and authentic pronunciations from other websites. This study excerpted the posts of the fan page from the page’s date of establishment to May 30 in 2017 and classified them into six categories: “classic quotes,” “current events,” “satire,” “fan page affairs,” “collective creation and sharing,” and “the others.” The study analyzed the posts’ number of clicks on the buttons of “Like,” the number of comments under each post, and the number of times each post is shared by users, and then released online questionnaires to the users who had used “Hakka Fighter.” Uses and gratifications theory was applied to analyze the fan page users’ demographic characteristics, motivations of usage, behavior of usage, and gratifications of usage. The research result showed that the user stickiness of the fan page was high, and thus the users’ willingness to use the fan page would not be reduced when the publishing frequency was low. The users’ favorite category was “current events,” and the users were positive about the creativity and the founder of the fan page. In terms of the understanding of current events, there was a statistically significant difference between male and female users. Concerning the extent to which the curiosity about Hakka is satisfied, there was a statistically significant difference between Hakka ethnic groups and non-Hakka ethnic groups; non-Hakka ethnic groups had a higher extent of gratification. |