源於b夸克所產生的粒子流(稱為b粒子流),在新物理的研究與探索過程中扮演著不可或缺的角色。其出現於許多重要的物理過程中,分析家使用所謂的「b標記演算法」來辨識之。本研究所選用的樣本,富含 tt ̅ 粒子的半輕子衰變事件,接著比較模擬事件與所觀察到的數據中幾項與粒子運動有關的變數分布,並使用FTC方法估算b標記演算法的效率與誤判率。本研究所採用的數據,來自於2015年質子對的對撞,其對撞總能量為13TeV,總亮度為2.1 fb-1.;The jets originated from b quark (b-jets) play a significant role in new physics researches. They show up in many important physical processes and we use the so-called b-tagging algorithm to identify them. This study select a sample enriched with tt ̅ semileptonically decayed events and compare various kinematic distributions in Monte Carlo simulation sample and the data, further use the FTC method to calculate the b-tagging scale factor and mis-tag rates. The data used in this study were recorded in 2015 from pp collisions at s = 13TeV and correspond to an integrated luminosity of 2.1 fb-1.