「國家」一詞,點出了國/家共存與共構之關係,本論文由此親密關係作為發想點,爬梳自七零年代以降台灣的社會經濟政治發展景象及教育政策與相關機構之發展與轉型,試圖為國/家關係提供具體歷史脈絡,並將此場域拓展為一種「家/國政治」。同時,針對家務在這樣的關係間帶有的政治性,本論文鎖定自1996年相關研究興起以來的十年間產出之碩士論文,來閱讀在台灣以家務為題之研究是如何透過「家務」與相關研究體現國/家為相互滲透之場域,也展示在台灣作為國家主體的發展進程之間,國與家兩者是如何相互形塑,並點出佔主要知識位置的相關研究又是如何與國家合作,形成一系列的「國家教育」再製合格的現代「國/家主體」。;“Domestic” is a two-edged word referring to the quality relating to the nation and that relating to the family; the literal meaning has spoken for the intimate relationship between the family and the nation. Based on this subtle relationship, the study forms a “politics of the domestic” through mapping specific historical moments since Taiwan started its modern nation-building to read the narratives formed by the postgraduate theses on domestic work produced from 1996 to 2006 and to examine how the interpenetrating relationship between the family and nation is repetitively embodied in the production of knowledge. With “the politics of the domestic,” this study intends to demonstrate how the family and nation form one another in the process of nation-building, and how this relationship expand a space for the knowledge related to domestic work to intervene the formation of the family and the nation and further to be evolved in, as national pedagogy, the reproduction of the qualified modern “domestic subjects.”