近年來,資訊化的時代來臨,通訊技術中透過中繼點傳輸無線通訊開始蓬勃發展,尤以合作式通訊之議題廣為討論,合作式的協助通信在不需增加行動裝置複雜度情形下又能達到空間分集的目的,因而受到許多重視。本論文利用在中繼端(relay,R)使用放大轉遞(amplify-and-forward,AF),先將功率放大以便目的端(destination,D)接收,且可在接收端先獲取通到狀態資訊(channel state information,CSI),S-R 通道資訊則會先經壓縮量化後再由專用通道傳至目的端,在目的端同時接收來自資源端(source,S)與中繼端之訊號,依據最大比例合成(maximal ratio combining,MRC)進行接收,論文模擬在接收端其訊雜比(SNR)分布的機率密度函數(PDF),比較各通道狀態影響接收SNR 值的情形,並進一步探討其平均準位跨越率(average level crossing rate, LCR)和平均衰落區間(average fade duration, AFD),討論通道衰減程度。;In recent years,the technology through in wireless communication is popular in the world.Especially,more and more people discussed the cooperative communication.The experts talked about the advantages that it is not only easy to achieve but also realize the diversity technology. This paper uses the Amplify and Forward relay to amplify the power for the destination receiving channel state information(CSI).S-R channel information will be quantified in relay and transmited to the destination in delicated channel.The destination receives the informations from the source and the relay by using maximal ratio combining.The paper simulates the SNR distribution and compares with the SNR distribution from each channel.Finally,the paper simulates level crossing rate and average fade duration in this paper.