近年,由於資訊科技的進步,大規模網路開放式課程(MOOCs)於數位學 習的研究領域中逐漸流行與普及。利用翻轉教室的概念讓學生自行於線上數位學習平台使用課本、影片、教學等素材進行學習。 然而,在台灣常見的一個問題則是教育與實際職業之間的差距。大學應屆畢業生通常不完全具備產業所需的技能,從大多的情況看來學生們在大學時期所學到只包含常用或較為基本的技能。隨著網際網路的發達,隨手可得的學習素材越多,我們希望能夠鼓勵學生利用大學四年的時間自我學習、充實。而如何推薦學生選擇正確的技能來學習,將是這篇論文所要探討的。 這篇論文提出了一個分群演算法,將104人力銀行上的職缺資料蒐集且處理過後,將每個職缺所需的技能統整且分群。讓學生能夠對每個職稱所需的技能分群有大概的了解,進而幫助學生們自我學習這類的技能,提升畢業後找尋工作的成功率。 ;MOOCs had bring us to a higher education with the concept of flipped classrooms, where students make use of the online studying materials such as online textbooks, video tutorials, and all sorts of documents which may take in forms of a web page, online learning platform, educational learning management systems. We see the stupendous potential of MOOCs in education. However, there has always been a problem that existed in Taiwan that is also often discussed. It is known as the gap between industry and education, which means that the students who has graduated from universities, do not always have the skills that the industries needed. We find that in most cases, students will only have some skills or knowledge about some tools that is listed from the requirements of the industries. The students have plentiful self-studying resources from the internet, we hope to encourage the students to learn and empower themselves by correctly recommend what are the most required skills of their desired occupation. Therefore, this paper proposed a clustering method that shows the results of groups of skills that are commonly needed for a particular type of job This system hopes to solve the problem known as the gap between industry and education, which the students, who had graduated from universities, do not always have the skills that the industries needed. In most cases, students will only have some skills or knowledge about some tools that is listed from the requirements of the industries. We encourage the students to self-study the courses according to the course map formed from their desired occupation, and therefore increase the chances that they will get the job offer.