康卜吞成像光譜儀(Nuclear Compton Telescope 以下簡稱NCT)是一個高空氣球的實驗儀器,是用來研究γ-ray天文物理的探測器。此儀器乃被設計用來觀測宇宙中的γ-ray來源,特別是帶特定能量的點光源,以及研究其極化現象。 NCT的核心探測器是12片高純度的鍺探測器,由分別由6個鍺探測器組成一個陣列,並且有兩個陣列的探測器。鍺探測器在γ-ray波段提供了很好的空間及能量解析度對從0.2到10MeV的光子。 NCT預計在2008年年底啟動一次試飛,然後在2009年於澳洲做長時間的飛行觀測,預計對γ-ray天文物理的研究能有所幫助,釐清一些目前關於天文上與γ-ray有關的謎題。 本論文主要內容在於介紹NCT所觀測的目標、NCT裝置介紹,以及模擬光子在NCT內部的反應狀況以及NCT所讀取的數據,進而分析這些數據、重建一個光子事件在探測器內部的反應(主要是康卜吞散射的作用地點及其能量,以及各作用點發生的順序),找出其γ-ray放射源的所在位置,最後估算事件重建的效率及成像的解析度。 The Nuclear Compton Telescope (NCT) is a balloon-borne telescope for studying of astrophysics. This device is designed to detect the γ-ray sources from the universe, especially point sources with fixed energy and the γ-ray polarization. The main detectors of NCT are made of 12 high pure germanium detectors, and these germanium detectors are composed of two arrays and each array with 6 detectors. Germanium detectors provide very high resolution on the spectral in energy of photons between 0.2 MeV to 10 MeV. There will be a balloon flight for 2 or 3 days in December 2008, New Mexico for a first science flight. The 20 days Long Duration Balloon Fight (LDBF) from Australia is planed in December 2009. We expect that NCT will clear some unsolved problem aboutγ-ray astronomy. In this thesis, we first introduce the scientific goals of NCT, NCT instruments, simulation of the photon activity in the germanium detectors, data output form NCT electronics. Then we analyze the data from simulation; reconstruct the Compton scattering events in the germanium detectors (Hit reconstruction and Sequence reconstruction). Finally, we find out the origin of the γ-ray source (Image reconstruction), and estimate the efficiency and special resolution.