令X=(X_1,…,X_q)表 q維常態分布之隨機向量。假設X 之q 個分量之共同期望值為 μ ,共同變異數為σ^2 ,假設X 之任一對分量之共同相關係數為 ρ ,根據樣本(X_1i,…,X_qi ) i = 1,…,n,本文之目的在計算參數 μ,σ^2 及 ρ 之最大概似估計式,並據以得到參數之區間估計及檢定。 ;Let X=(X_1,…,X_q) denote a q-dimensional Gaussian vector. Assume that each component of X has the same meanμand varianceσ^2. Assume that each pair of the components of X has the same correlation coefficient.Based on a sample (X_1i,…,X_qi ) i = 1,…,n,the purpose of this paper is to find the maximum likelihood estimators of μ ,σ^2 and ρ from which confidence intervals and tests for μ ,σ^2 and ρ can be obtained.