摘要 大眾捷運系統的開通營運所帶來的便利性及經濟效益,對人們產生了積極性的正面影響,然而,幾乎大部分的捷運系統均是穿越都會地區運行,在軌道沿線所造成的振動及噪音汙染,對周遭環境及居民產生非常嚴重的衝擊。 本研究是以文獻回顧及資料收集經歸納整理過程,架構出捷運系統施作4類減振減噪軌道時,影響其選用之材料成本、施工時間、施工難易度、施工人力資源、維修頻率、維修難易度、使用壽年、減振減噪效果等8大因子問題,以桃園機場捷運系統4類減振減噪軌道之工法論述為例,比較其在各選用因子項目中之表現,再邀請具備軌道工程10年以上經歷之專家進行訪談,獲得同樣問題之解答及綜合建議,並將結果相互印證後加以排序,最終產出之比較結果可作為捷運系統選用減振減噪軌道時之參考依據。 ;Abstract Metropolitan Rapid Transit (MRT) system has positively influenced people by its convenience and economy. However, almost all MRT systems are operated in metro areas, creating vibration and noise pollution to surroundings. The study research objective is to determine the preference ranking among 4 types of the most applicable tracks based on various conditions of material cost, construction duration, construction difficulty, construction manpower, maintenance frequency, maintenance difficulty, useful life, and pollution deduction. Literature review facilitates overall understanding of MRT track systems and develops the framework for expert interviews. Experts with over 10 year working experience from the rail engineering field contribute comprehensive suggestions to establish a guideline describing MRT track selection based on 8 the above-mentioned conditions. An empirical case study adopting Taoyuan Airport MRT track system as the sample compares these 4 track alternatives and supports the guideline. The findings also provide solutions for feasible options when multi-criteria are simultaneously considered.