捷運工程是一個國家重要的基礎建設,為國家帶來便利與各項優勢,而國內捷運軌道工程工地實務上有許多的品質管理工具,然而過去較少研究對這些品質管理工具的內涵與應用進行整合性探討,因此本研究從這一方面著手進行研究。此外,軌道工程的品質良窳取決於道床工程的施工品質,掌握了道床施工品質即控制了施工品質,但道床施工品質仰賴人員的經驗,若要讓無經驗的品質管理人員一進入軌道工程的工地中便能夠立即執行相關品質管理業務,了解道床工程常見錯誤態樣及如何善用品質管理工具來解決錯誤問題、提升品質便變得十分重要,而這部份的研究在國內較為缺乏。因此,本研究採用文獻與案例探討與專家訪談來分析軌道工程中道床工程(包含道碴與無道碴道床)的常見錯誤態樣,並分析如何運用適當地管理手段以提高施工品質,如教育訓練,錯誤經驗分享,品質宣達等,使工程人員能在短時間內容易的了解工程整個流程、標準與施工管理重點所在,以更有效率地達到品質要求進而實現高品質的軌道工程。;The mass rapid transit (MRT) is a critical infrastructure and brings convenience and various advantages for a country. In Taiwan, track construction practices of MRT involve many quality management tools/techniques; previous studies, however, seldom focused on and analyzed these tools/techniques for their practical meanings and application in an integral manner. Therefore, this research fills this research gap. In addition, the quality of track construction depends on the construction quality of roadbeds, which relies on workers’ experience. If inexperienced personnel are required to conduct quality management businesses immediately when participating in a track construction site, it is significant for them to understand common defect patterns of roadbed construction and how to use quality management tools to solve the defect; however, existing studies seldom address this aspect. Thus, this research adopts literature review, case studies and expert interviews to analyze common defect patterns of roadbed construction (including ballast and non-ballast roadbeds) and how to properly use management measure to increase construction quality. Construction engineers should be able to easily understand the whole process, standards and management key points of the construction and thus, efficiently achieve high quality track construction.