設計成果的優劣經常決定後續施工的成敗,而設計階段是否能能夠擬定合宜之施工工期亦將影響日後施工時能否如期完成。國內現行對於委託技術服務工作有關時程規劃作業之規定與規範,多採原則性敘述,且主辦機關之審查機制並無明確之標準,導致設計階段的時程規劃成果其品質差異極大。本研究透過文獻回顧、專家訪談並輔以案例分析,發展設計階段之施工時程建立與審查規範,以解決現階段未臻完整之作業規範及審查標準不足之問題。本研究之成果可供主辦機關審查及設計單位自主檢查使用,以提升設計階段施工時程規劃成果之品質,並提升國內整體時程管理之水準。;The quality of design outcomes definitely influences the outcomes of construction works. Additionally, reasonable construction schedule planned in design stage commonly is the key for whether a construction project can be completed within planned duration or not. In Taiwan, the regulations and specifications for schedule development are descriptive principles, and furthermore the client and its representative do not have clear review standard. These situations usually result in the quality of construction schedule planned in design stage has considerable variation. The purpose of this study is to develop schedule development and review specifications that can be used to solve the schedule management problems in design stage. This study reviews the literature, interviews with domain experts and investigates two real cases to identify the key issues on developing and reviewing construction schedule in design stage. This study has proposed a set of schedule development and review specifications that can be used by the client to review the schedule development outcomes proposed by the designer, and used by the designer to check the schedule quality by themselves. It is anticipated that the research outcomes can improve the quality of schedule development and review in design stage and consequently improve the quality of schedule management.