近年來防災自動化監測越來越受到重視,在眾多監測技術中,時域反射法(Time Domain Reflectometry, TDR)可提供水位、橋梁沖刷、邊坡錯動變形以及泥砂濃度等多功能監測,且TDR只需具備多工器,即可實現一機多功能的優點,但既有TDR監測資訊平台仍缺乏錯動變形之自動化功能,因此本研究回顧九份地區邊坡滑動監測案例,利用TDR變位型方式,透過UML(Unified Modeling Language)分析規劃與實作,提出變形監測功能補充修訂,並且增進網站之資料視覺化(Visulization)修訂。另外,OGC(Open Geospatial Consortium)制定SWE(Sensor Web Enablement)標準為近來各家遵循之應用,其中SOS(Sensor Observation Service)對於感測器描述、觀測位置、觀測時間與觀測屬性已有標準化的定義,並且以web service方式實現資料互通性,本研究提出SOS與TDR資訊平台連結應用之架構規劃與實作,以資料完全自動化為導向,提出TDR感測器異質性資料管理與描述,藉以提昇資料交流效率。;The automatic monitoring systems are gradually concerned for disaster prevention in Taiwan recently. Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR) is a passive monitoring technique which provides multi-functions, such as water level , bridge scour, landslide, and suspended sediment concentration (SSC), based on a single TDR device via a multiplexer. This study reviewed firstly the existing TDR information platform and a case study of using TDR landslide monitoring in JiuFen. To integrate the landslide function into TDR monitoring platform, the study provided an improved architecture designed in Unified Modeling Language (UML) and modified interfaces for administrator and client. Heterogeneity data management and sensor description for open data sharing are also discussed in this platform. The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) with Sensor Web Enablement (SWE) of Sensor Observation Service (SOS) can enhance the interoperability of information. SOS has a standardized definition for the sensor description, observed position, and observed feature. Besides, it realizes data interoperable way by providing web service. This study developed a middleware between SOS and the existing TDR information platform to heterogeneity data interoperability finally.