近年來環境汙染逐漸影響到每個人的生活,環保、替代性能源等綠色思維不再成為口號,綠色政策、環保材料、綠色運輸等概念相繼而出。其中又以綠色運輸對於一般民眾的生活影響最深。「綠色運輸」是以永續發展做為基礎,使用低污染能源之運輸工具,降低碳排放量。運輸領域中能源的發展趨勢,逐漸從燃油轉向為替代性能源,且在台灣,機車是最貼近民眾生活的運具。在實務上,電池的續航問題一直是個重要的議題,攸關著運具的使用效率。因此,本研究在以電動機車為研究對象,以私部門營運者之角度,發展一電動機車之電力補充設施配置暨旅運排程模式,輔助業者針對電力續航問題進行規劃。 本研究利用時空網路流動技巧搭配數學規劃,考量實務上旅客在定點可能產生隨機的滯留時間,在滿足所有規劃日需求和實務限制的前提下,並追求總成本最小化,構建電動機車之排程模式。本研究以台中市為測試範例,以旅遊觀光需求為例進行範例測試,並針對不同參數進行敏感度分析,結果顯示本研究提出之模式與解法可實際運用在實際情況上。藉此供決策單位未來規劃電動機車電力補充設施配置之參考。 ;Environmental pollution is affecting our daily life in recent years and environmental consciousness is more than a slogan. The government and many organizations have developed various initiatives, such as the Green Sustainable Transport Policy, to respond to the rapid changes in the world. Sustainable transport refers to the broad subject of transport that is sustainable in the senses of social, environmental and climatic impacts and the ability to supply the source energy indefinitely. Some companies in Taiwan have been developing sustainable vehicles, such as electric scooters. On the subject of electric scooters, their battery life is a big problem for commuters. Thus, this research focuses on the placement of battery swapping stations and scheduling commuters’ traveling route. It hopes that the result will aid the company in planning a system of battery swapping stations in the future. This research uses time-space network and mathematical programming to construct an electric scooters’ travel route scheduling model based on Taichung City Government. Considering stochastic waiting time in different destinations and all constraints, an optimal schedule is characterized by a minimal total costs, including costs for fixed cost of battery swapping stations and operation cost of electric motorcycles and battery swapping stations. Finally, through sensitivity analysis, we find the connection between the result and parameters. The proposed model and solution method enable us to solve real-world problems. The results can serve as a references for companies to arrange battery swapping system in the future.