本論文提出「球型複合全像術」做為全新的360度環繞觀賞影像的方法。在展示型式的設計上,可以分為凹面與凸面兩種。為了能夠使用全像片最大的面積,凹面型式設計為反射式全像片並重建出實像;凸面型式則為穿透式全像片重建出虛像。 在拍攝時採用平面物面拍攝至彎折底片面的架構,影像資訊無法完美成像至底片面上,因此以白光重建時,會產生影像模糊的情形。我們以電腦模擬的方式模擬影像模糊情形,並透過分析影像模糊,得到快速分析影像模糊情形的方法。最後,分析不同觀賞距離下雙眼視覺產生的立體影像。 ;Multiplex hologram display combining rainbow holography and photography was first proposed by Debitetto. This technology has been widely applied to several formats of multiplex holography, including the planar-type, the cylindrical-type, the conical-type, and the disk-type. In this study, a novel spherical-type multiplex holography is introduced. The reconstruction process of the spherical-type multiplex hologram can be done by two way, the concave-type and convex-type. In order to utilize the maximum area of the recording film, the concave-type is a reflection hologram and generates the real image; the convex-type is a transmission hologram and generates the virtual image. In the optical set-up design, the information is supplied by a planar LCD and recorded on the surf film. Because the information is not imaging perfectly on the film, when we use white-light source to reconstruct the image, image will blur. The computer simulation results of image-blur are analyzed, then we propose a mathematical model to quickly predict the image-blur. Final, we simulate the reconstructed 3D images observed at different positions.