本論文測量雙光子碰撞中產生p ψ的截面積,其中雙光子質心能量介於3.0 Gev 至6.0 Gev,本論文數據來自日本KEK加速器之BELLE實驗的 事件,其總亮度為540.03/fb。由於KEK是亮度相當高的電子正子對撞機,在過去的實驗報告中,陸續有 、 、 等等事件的相關研究被提出,實驗計算出的截面積之大小與理論計算大致符合,對於雙光子碰撞中重子對的生成有一定程度的了解。因此本論文進一步對更低的截面積的事件作探討,並且與相同最終態的事件 相比較,再與 事件之截面積作比較。雖然對 之截面積的值之絕對的大小並沒有具體理論能預測,依然能夠觀察其結果是否落在預期的範圍之內。 對於其結果,發現其截面積大小比預期的範圍高出數十倍以上,推測其原因是來自於探測器之效率的模擬未能與實驗數據相吻合。觀察實驗數據中 的 之不變質量分佈情形,可發現與Monte-Carlo事件模擬的結果有著顯著的差異,這一方面是需要相當大的改進的。 The cross-section of the reaction, is measured at two photon c.m.energy (Wγγ) between 3.0 and 6.0 GeV. The results are obtained by using events selected from an integrated luminosity of 540.03/fb of the data taken by the BELLE detector. In past research ,the study of 、 、 events were published .The results between theoretical calculation and experiment are match roughly. Now we want to discuss the lower cross-section events and compare with the same final state events .Even though there is no specific theorem to predict the values of cross-section. It should be located in expected range by comparing with the cross-section of . The result is tens times larger than the expected range. We conjecture that the reason is that the simulation of the efficiency of detector can’t coincide with the experimental data. We observe the difference of the distribution of invariant mass of of between Monte-Carlo simulation and the experimental data. It needs to modify in our future work.