摘要: | 摘 要 土木工程的成敗與否,是有很多的因素相互關聯,其中運輸的過程是否順利,是佔有很重要的關鍵,同時在面對砂石原料價格不斷的飆漲,如何保障品質及供料順利,讓成本控制在最合理下,達到最大獲利的情況,已經成為砂石廠管理人重要的課題。目前一般砂石車輛的指派工作,皆由資深的工程人員所擔任,憑藉過往的經驗決定運輸計畫,缺乏科學資料的佐證,以致於造成許多不合理的地方,造成成本上的浪費。 本研究是以砂石廠車輛運輸指派,提供預拌混凝土廠砂石料為研究範圍,建立一套以整數規劃架構的數學最佳化模式,協助砂石廠負責人管理砂石車運送及調度。利用各種的基本資料及各項條件訂定各個限制參數,寫成EXCEL資料然後輸入LINGO 12.0的套裝軟體,經過程式的運算及敏感度的分析,求出最符合經濟效益的運輸方案。與此同時如果因為外在的環境變化或是需求規劃限制條件有所更動,本研究模式可以依據最新的條件調整參數,求得新的砂石運輸規畫。為了證實模式的適用性,本研究以2座砂石廠15台砂石車運送至5座預拌混凝土廠作為範例測試,整個程式運算結果所得到的最佳化和人工經驗決策指派方式做一比較,所得到的結果不論是在指派的時間上或是運輸的成本上,都顯示成效良好。
關鍵字:砂石廠、砂石車、指派、最佳化、整體規劃。 ;Abstract The success or failure of civil engineering is a lot of factors that are interrelated, the transport process is smooth, is the possession of a very important key, at the same time in the face of the price of sand and gravel constantly rising, how to ensure the quality and the smooth supply of materials, so that the cost control in the most reasonable, to maximize the profit situation, has become the management of sand and gravel plant important. At present, the designation of the general sand and gravel vehicles by the senior engineering staff, with the experience of the past to determine the transport plan, the lack of scientific data corroboration, resulting in many unreasonable places, resulting in cost of waste. This research is based on the transportation assignment of the sand and gravel plant, provide the gravel material of ready-mixed concrete factory as the research scope, set up a mathematical optimization model with integer programming structure, assist the owner of the gravel plant to manage the transportation and dispatch of the gravel truck. Using a variety of basic data and various conditions to set the limit parameters, written in Excel data and then input Lingo 12.0 software package, through the operation of the program and sensitivity analysis, to find the most cost-effective transport solutions. At the same time, if because of the external environment change or the demand planning restriction condition changes, this research model may according to the newest condition adjustment parameter, obtains the new sand and gravel transportation regulation painting. In order to verify the applicability of the model, this study was carried out to 5 ready-mixed concrete plants from 15 gravel trucks in 2 gravel mills for example test, the results obtained from the whole program are compared with the method of artificial experience decision assignment, and the result is good in both the assigned time and the cost of transportation.
Keywords: Gravel Factory, Gravel Truck, Assignment, Optimization, Overall Planning. |