經由一系列的實驗與分析,本研究提出一種同時兼具美學、經濟性、良好消能能力並且能有效提升整體結構耐震表現的新型被動消能器,並將其命名為「環形消能器」。 環形消能器由兩片圓管加工而成,並裝置於半剛性構架的斜撐中央,組合成一個斜撐構架。在外力加載時,環形消能器能提供相當佳的韌性進行消能,並在位移控制初期就能進入塑性區;此消能器安裝於半剛性構架後,構架中的主要梁柱桿件不易產生降伏、破壞。在經過多組反覆載重、應用不同加載歷時試驗後,試驗結果顯示環形消能器能有效地提升半剛性構架在力量、勁度、消能能力上的表現,試驗結果亦證實,加裝環形消能器的半剛性構架可有效提升其變形能力。 ;A new type of passive damper, namely rim damper, consisting of aesthetics, economical and great energy dissipation capability was proposed to improve the performance of framed structures. Rim damper was made by two pieces of pipes and located in the middle of a brace which was connected to the semi-rigid frame, forming a braced frame. Rim damper has good ductility to dissipate the energy when an external load is applied to the structure. This damper exhibited yielding at an early stage of frame deformation. A series of cyclic loading tests on the rim damper and braced frames with the proposed dampers were conducted in this study. Two loading protocols were used in the frame tests to validate the effectiveness of the proposed method in seismic design. Test results showed that the strength, stiffness and energy dissipation of the framed structures were effectively improved. It is also validated from the tests that braced frame exhibited significant performance in deformation capacity when the rim damper was applied.