隨著網路與資訊科技的日益進步,民眾對於網際網路的依賴日趨增加,故以電子方式取得政府資訊也將成為主流。我國政府為因應此趨勢,積極投入電子化政府之建立。透過電子化政府網站,讓民眾可以不受時間、地域限制,以最快的速度獲得政府相關資訊及服務且可了解政府施政措施。然我國政府在持續追求網站功能完整與豐富的同時,似乎忽略了是否將使用者真正普及到全國民眾。 故本研究將焦點著重於分析政府網站使用者結構,利用各種統計分析方法探討台灣地區民眾對於政府網站之使用狀況,擬針對未使用網站之民眾,提出推廣及改善電子化政府網站之建議。 With the great progress of the internet technology, more and more people are depending on the internet in daily life. Also, to obtain government information in time through the internet has become the mainstream. To satisfy the need, ``the e-government' was set up by many countries in the world. With it, every citizen can access to the latest news from the government and realize the government policy through the websites beyond time and space. While its function is keeping growing, its popularity is not. Hence, the paper focuses on the analysis of the attribution of the government website users in Taiwan by various kinds of methods of statistics analysis. The finding from the analysis, we provide some suggestions to improve and popularize the government websites in Taiwan area.