摘要 本研究採用即時影像監控連續式電鍍,以玻璃包覆且線徑為125 μm之微陽極,在檸檬酸鹽鍍浴中製備銅鎳合金微柱與微型螺旋等結構。實驗時固定兩極間距於40 μm,控制電壓在4.0 V至4.3 V之間進行電鍍;或固定兩極間電壓在4.2 V,改變兩極間距於40 μm至55 μm之間進行電鍍,結果顯示:當兩極間距在40 μm,電壓在4.2 V時,經SEM觀察析鍍物形貌較平滑、組織較緻密。當電壓固定在4.2 V,兩極間距由40 μm 增至55 μm時,微柱表面逐漸粗糙化,組織緻密性較差。另一方面,固定兩極間電壓在4.2 V、間距在40 μm時,將糖精濃度由0 mM增至6.60 mM,結果顯示:添加2.20 mM糖精所得微柱表面較為光滑,組織較細緻且無裂痕。以SEM與EDX觀察微柱橫截面,顯示為實心構造,無裂痕之缺陷,且所含之銅、鎳元素在橫截面上呈現均勻分布。 在奈米壓痕測試時發現:改變電壓電鍍時,隨著電壓上升至4.3 V,微柱之硬度反而下降(3.56 GPa);改變兩極間距電鍍時,隨著兩極間距增大(至55 μm),微柱硬度可提升至4.86 GPa。鍍浴中糖精添加濃度在2.20 mM時,微柱之硬度達到最大(5.13 GPa)。經量測電鍍所得銅鎳合金微柱之抗蝕能力,於糖精濃度2.20 mM時所得微柱具有最小之腐蝕電流密度6.90*10-6 A/cm2。 歸納製作微柱之最佳電鍍條件,配合Comsol軟體研究電場對螺旋柱徑之分析,有利於尋求製作銅、鎳合金微型螺旋之電鍍條件。研究結果得知:當析鍍角度在50°以上時,可以控制線徑變化量於20 %以內。並且於製程參數3時可達到最小之線徑變化量。 ;ABSTRACT In this study, a Copper-Nickel alloy microcolumn and micro-spiral were prepared by continuous image electroplating in a citrate plating bath. During the experiment, the gap was fix at 40 μm, the control voltage was between 4.0 V and 4.3 V; or the voltage was fixed at 4.2 V, and the gap was changed between 40 μm and 55 μm. The result showed: when the gap was at 40 μm and the voltage is 4.2 V, the morphology of the microcolumn is smoother and denser. When the voltage was fixed at 4.2 V and the gap was increased from 40 μm to 55 μm, the surface of the microcolumn was roughened and the compactness of the structure was poor. When the voltage was fixed 4.2 V and the gap was at 40 μm, the concentration of saccharin was increased from 0 mM to 6.60 mM. The results showed: the surface of the microcolumn obtained by adding 2.20 mM saccharin is smooth and crack-free. The cross section of the microcolumn observed by SEM and EDX shows that the solid structure was crack-free, and the copper and nickel elements contained in the cross section showed uniform distribution. In the nanoindentation test, it was found that when the voltage was changed, the hardness of the microcolumn decreased with the voltage rising to 4.3 V (3.56 GPa); when the gap was increased to 55 μm. The hardness of the microcolumn was increased to 4.86 GPa. When the concentration of saccharin in the plating bath was 2.20 mM, the hardness of the microcolumn reached the maximum of 5.13 GPa. The corrosion resistance of the Copper-Nickel alloy microcolumn was measured, and the microcolumn obtained at the concentration of saccharin at 2.20 mM had a minimum corrosion current density of 6.902*10-6 A/cm2. According to the optimal plating conditions for the microcolumns, and cooperated with the Comsol software to study the analysis of the spiral diameter to the electric field, which contributed to the electroplating conditions for the fabrication of Copper-Nickel alloy micro spirals. The research results showed that when the plating angle was over 50°, the wire diameter variation could be controlled within 20%. And the minimum wire diameter change can be achieved when the process parameter is 3.